Intro to “Johnny 99”
´´Good evening, good evening once again….thank you for coming out and showing your support….let´s get a round of applause for Bright Eyes and for R.E.M….it´s fun to play with other people….oh, I wanna thank you for coming out tonight in support of America Coming Together and helping footsoldiers on the ground getting out the progressive vote on November 2nd….(?) information all around the hall, please check them out and see how you can assist them, volunteer, don´t forget to vote….Michigan´s been particularly hard-hit, 140,000 factory jobs gone, 7,500 citizens of Michigan in Iraq and Afganistan, we salute them and honor their service and we want them home safe and as soon as possible…´´
Intro to “Centerfield”
´´Thank you….feels pretty good….it´s my pleasure to bring out to the stage now somebody whose, uh, music I´ve loved for so long, that I´ve learned a lot from….he´s one of my all-time great (?), Mr.John Fogerty….´´
Intro to “The Promised Land”
´´Alright….if he wants to borrow my band, he´s gotta sing one of my songs now so (chuckles)…´´
Middle of “Mary´s Place”
´´Thank you….I´m so glad to be here in your beautiful city tonight….are you having fun ? (cheers) that´s good, but we´re here tonight, we´re here tonight with a purpose….we´re here tonight on a mission….that´s right, we´re here tonight, the mighty E Street Band is rising up to take you down to the river of change and to help you cross over to the other side….are you ready ? (cheers) I´m glad to hear that….because I know this is one of those swing-states…. and I wanna say that if you´re swinging, if you´re swooping, if you´re swaying, if you´re sweeping or if you just can´t make up your mind….or if you´re wearing a bowtie, what I wanna know tonight is there anybody in the house, is there anybody in the house that needs to be released from the burden of Republicanism ?….(someone: ´I need help!´) well, you´ve come to the right place and what I want you to do, Sir, is to relax, close your eyes and say ´Halleburton´ three times real fast….(?)(someone: ´I´m switching!´)….are you ready ?….are you ready ?….are you ready ?…are you ready ?….are you ready ?….are you ready ?….are you ready ?….are you ready ?….´´
Intro to “Born to Run”
´´Thank you….Mike and Peter!….Mike Mills and Peter Buck, come up and play one with us ….woo !….alright….now everybody´s favorite part of the night, the public service announcement…. we wanna thank you for coming out and showing your support and raising your voice for Vote for Change….(?)…remember, go to the polls on November 2nd, every vote counts, check out America Coming Together out in the hall, they can tell you how you can volunteer and help out….´cause we remain, we remain a land of great promise but we need to move America towards the fulfilment of the promises that she´s made to her citizens ….economic justice, civil rights, protection of the environment….respect for others and humility in exercising our power at home and around the world….these core issues of American identity….are what is at stake on November 2nd….I believe that Senator Kerry and Senator Edwards understand these important issues and they´re prepared to move our country forward….(?) America, America is not always right - that is a fairytale that we tell our children at night, but America is always true and it is in seeking these truths, both the good and the bad, that we find a deeper patriotism, we find a more authentic experience as citizens, that is how our soul as a nation is revealed and that is what we are fighting for on November 2nd….so we got some work to do between now and election day, if you share our concerns, find the best way to express yourself, roll up your sleeves and get out there and work and remember, the country we carry in our hearts is waiting….´´
Intro to “People Have the Power”
´´A shout-out to Patti Smith on this one….´´
Compiled by : Johanna Pirttijärvi. |