Intro to “Long Time Comin´”
´´Thank you….thank you and good evening again….danke….yes, this is for the mothers and the fathers out there struggling to, uh….do the right thing (chuckles) this is called ´Long Time Comin´´….´´
Intro to “Highway 29”
´´Yeah, the actual…the actual lyrics to that last verse should´ve been: ´´I ain´t gonna fuck it up too bad this time´´ (chuckles) would´ve been a little more accurate, I suppose….but, uh, haven´t done this one on this tour yet, I´m gonna get it out here, it´s from The Ghost of Tom Joad….´´
Intro to “Incident on 57th Street”
´´Thank you….yeah….I met a, I met a young lady out back….she said she was, uh, five months pregnant (a woman yells: ´´Thanks, Bruce!´´) oh! there she is, alright (chuckles) and, uh, so, she made a request so, uh….I wish her luck….and see if I can ….this´s got a little bit of a lullaby to it, actually, this song, it´s actually….a little bit of a lullaby….I´ll start it lullaby…´´
Intro to “Tougher Than the Rest”
´´Thank you, yeah….(chuckles)….I had to make some of that up as I went along there towards the end, I was afraid I was just screwing up and so I just, you know, it just, uh….uh….(?)….alright, let me get this one out….´´
Intro to “All I´m Thinkin´ About”
´´You´re quiet (chuckles)….´´
(throughout the show the audience has respected Bruce´s usual request for silence)
Intro to “I Wish I Were Blind”
´´Thank you….alright, I´ll see how this goes, uh….got a request for this one from out, somebody out back, gonna, uh, first time, I´ll give it a shot….haven´t done this one in a while, alright, let me see….´´
Intro to “Jesus Was an Only Son”
´´Thank you, Dusseldorf, danke….I was, uh, I was brought up Catholic and, uh, so Jesus is my defacto homeboy….and uh….I went to Catholic school for eight years and then I got out and I thought that that was, that was all she wrote, I, I didn´t go to church much after that and I have a bunch of pagan babies at home right now, you know, but, uh….but I keep going back to those themes, uh….this is a song I wrote, I wrote a lot about mothers and sons on this record and so this was a song, I was interested in Jesus as Mary´s son and, uh….just as somebody´s boy and what that´s like, our kids, I mean my kids are young but even as such they got a whole idea about their own destiny already (chuckles) you know….so, uh, this is called ´´Jesus Was an Only Son´´….
(….) at his mother´s feet….the first thing that strikes you when your children arrive is how suddenly you know there is nothing, nothing you wouldn´t do to keep them safe ….and from harm….Mother prays….
(….) shall pierce your dreams this night….the choices that we make….are given weight by the things we sacrifice….and like I said, our kids have their own destiny…. but I always figured….that Jesus had to be thinking….how beautiful it was in Galilee this time of year….and how there was probably a little bar down there that he could manage….and how Mary Magdalene could tend the bar….and they could´ve had a bunch of kids…and got to see the sun fall on their face….and you get to feel the air in your lungs….and you get to see the next day….and the next day…and the next day… and the next day…and the next day….in the garden….´´
Intro to “The Hitter”
´´Thank you, thanks a lot….oh….grazie, grazie (chuckles)….yes, yes, yes….alright, uh ….we carry the seeds of our destruction….along with the seeds that grow things and create things, uh….I don´t know if that´s the way God planned it but that´s the way He let it be (chuckles) this is called ´The Hitter´….´´
Intro to “Matamoros Banks”
´´Oh, thank you….a large, a large part of the audience seems to have moved (chuckles) very, however, it moved, that, that is, it moved very silently, it´s….uh (chuckles) I´m gonna blame the Italians (chuckles) I, I know they had something to do with it (chuckles) alright, this is a song, uh….I wrote this song as a sequel to ´Across the Border´ and, uh, every year in, uh….hundreds of people die trying to get into the United States, acrost our southern border, they die in the mountains and in the deserts and in the backs of vans and in the rivers, uh….this is a song I wrote for them, this is called ´Matamoros Banks,´ this song was written….it tells the story backwards from the body at the bottom of the river to the journey across the desert to the man standing at the banks of the Matamoros, which is the town across from Brownsville….so….sssh, my children (chuckles) I have a story to tell (chuckles)….´´
Intro to “Ramrod”
´´(?)(starts the harmonica intro) actually, this is, uh, this is polka territory (plays polka on the harmonica)(chuckles) that´s all I know….´´
Intro to “The Promised Land”
´´Thank you….thanks….uh, thank you….I wanna thank everybody for coming out to the show tonight, thank you very much….danke, danke fur eure sympathie….this was, uh, actually, you know, I play (?) this was a great, great audience tonight and I appreciate it very much….I, I, I enjoy playing like this a lot and it takes the two of us, I gotta come out here and then you gotta give me all that big, open, quiet space and I, it, it touches my heart and I just say….danke….thank you, Dusseldorf, this is for you….´´
Compiled by : Johanna Pirttijärvi. |