Intro to “Long Time Comin´”
“Yes, this is, uh….a song for the mamas, the mamas and the papas out there, yes…. and I wish you, uh, courage and fortitude (chuckles) with your children, uh….they say kids give you another chance to get it right….or to really fuck it up again, I guess (chuckles) so let´s wish for the best (chuckles) this is ´Long Time Comin´….”
Intro to “Highway 29”
“Thank you….here´s something from The Ghost of Tom Joad….”
Intro to “Tougher Than the Rest”
“Thank you….thanks a lot….alright, this was, uh, this is a song from my first record of love songs, which I waited till I was 37 to write because of when I was young, I was traumatized by my father who told me that all love songs were government propaganda (chuckles) and, uh, that their main purpose, they were put on the radio by the government in order to get you married and have children and take jobs and steer clear from chaos and anarchy (chuckles) so (some people applaud) uh, I see there, we have some conspiracy theorists in the audience tonight (chuckles) but my mother was the other way, she was very romantic, she thought it was all magic and, uh, I don´t know how because (chuckles) it wasn´t all magic for her (some guy yells) yes?…. what are you saying? it´s, uh….it´s, it´s, uh, maybe it´s a woman-thing, I don´t know (chuckles) men are naturally chaotic (chuckles) anyway, here´s to the girls (chuckles) (cheers) yes….yes, I love it when you scream, alright (chuckles)….”
Intro to “Part Man Part Monkey”
“I don´t know how to explain this….but in the States….we debate over whether…the Man come first or the monkey come first….whether the Man come first or the monkey come first….now, 80 years ago a famous trial tried to straighten all this out so we could teach the kids in school….but….the Man votes, the monkey don´t vote…. a big problem in the United States (chuckles)….Man voted for the man (chuckles)….
(….) Uh, how would you say?….es ist verruckt (chuckles)….´´
Intro to “All I´m Thinkin´ About”
“I believe that that [“es ist verruckt”] may be the English derivation from, uh, ´It is fucked´ (chuckles) could be….”
Intro to “Janey Don´t You Lose Heart”
“This is etwas speziales….fur Hamburg (chuckles)….wait, wait….uh, uh (?)(chuckles) this is for a good friend of mine, Tracy Nurse and uh….let me see if I can remember ….”
Intro to “Jesus Was an Only Son”
“Thank you….oh yeah….alright….Kevin told me that that string wasn´t gonna last and he was right (chuckles) it looked good, though (chuckles) this is, uh, wrote a lot of songs about parents and children on, on my new record, a lot of, uh, uh….your relationship with your kids is so (chuckles) it´s so crazy and complicated but, uh, this was one I wrote, I was interested in Jesus as somebody´s son, as a, just as someone´s mortal son, uh….a story of how our kids have their own destiny and, uh, and we gotta live with it, this is called ´Jesus Was an Only Son´….
(….) at his mother´s feet….the first thing that shocks you when your kids come along is how suddenly in your gut there´s this feeling that there´s nothing you wouldn´t do to keep them from harm and to keep them safe….and that feeling is a life sentence (chuckles)….Mother prays….
(….) shall pierce your dreams this night….and if the choices we make….are given their meaning by the the things that we sacrifice for them….I always figured that it was that life….I figured Jesus had to be thinking….there´s probably a nice little bar he could´ve managed down in Galilee where the weather´s really nice….Mary Magdalene could tend bar….they could have a bunch of kids and get to see the sun fall on their face….and feel the air in your lungs….and see the next day….and see the next day….and see the next day ….and see the next day….and see the next day….in the garden at Gethesemane….”
Intro to “The Hitter”
“Thanks, alright….´Stay hard, stay hungry, stay alive,´ those are, those are hard things to, those are hard things to do, particularly when, uh….we carry the seeds of our own destruction (chuckles) and, uh, I guess that´s what this song is about (clears his throat) you know, God set us up so that, uh, we build with this hand and we burn with this one….I don´t know if that´s the way He planned it but that´s the way He let it be (chuckles) this is called ´The Hitter´….”
Intro to “Matamoros Banks”
“(?) yes….I have the strangest stagerush in rock and roll history (chuckles) it is completely silent (chuckles)(someone screams) uh, shut up, you fools (chuckles) alright….this is a song that I wrote as a….sequel to ´Across the Border,´ it´s a song where, uh….hundreds of people die trying to cross the southern borders of the United States, uh, every, every year and they die in the mountains and the deserts and in our rivers, in the backs of vans, this is a song for them, it´s written backwards from, uh…. the body in the river to the man walking across the desert to the banks of the Matamoros, which is a town across from Brownsville, Texas, this is called ´Matamoros Banks´….”
Intro to “Growin´ Up”
“Thanks (?)….I wanna thank everybody for coming out to the show, I´m sorry we had to reschedule, I wanna say ich, uh, ich danke fur eure Verständnis (chuckles) it´s incredible, this, this junk comes into my head and I speak it (chuckles) so this is etwas speziales, speziales fur Hamburg….”
Intro to “The Promised Land”
“Thank you, my friends….danke schön….thank you….uh, I want to, uh, thank everyone for coming to the show tonight and thank you for being such a lovely audience, thank you, appreciate it….this is for you…..”
Compiled by : Johanna Pirttijärvi. |