Intro to “Eyes On The Prize”
´´Thank you….good evening….(speaks Danish) do I have that right? (chuckles)….´´
Intro to “Bobby Jean”
´´(someone yells a request) Oh, we don´t know that one, I´ll do this, I´ll do this one for you (chuckles)….ok, an old song for my young fans….very, very young….´´
Intro to “Devils&Dust”
´´Alright, this is for the, uh….Danish troops in Iraq, we wish their safe return….´´
Intro to “How Can A Poor Man Stand Such Times And Live?”
´´I´ll dedicate this tonight to the mothercity of American music, New Orleans….´´
Intro to “Long Time Comin´”
´´Curtis King, Cindy Mizelle (?)….Lisa Lowell….the fabulous horn section….(?)….that´s right, that´s right….I´ll send this one out to my lovely wife Miss Patti….yes, she sends her love, we have, uh, high school aged kids now and they can´t be trusted any more, they….we can´t leave them alone now….so….(?)….alright….from ´Devils&Dust´….Sister Soozie, help me out, girl….´´
Intro to “Fire”
´´Yes, yes….alright, somebody requested this one, for the lovely Danish women….I feel a little like Julio Iglesias right now….for all the lovely Danish women….´´
Intro to “When The Saints Go Marching In”
´´Yes indeed….thank you very much….oh….I wanna thank everyone for coming out tonight ….thank you so much…..thank you, all our longtime fans here in Copenhagen and in Denmark….(speaks Danish)….woo!….we appreciate you coming out for our experiment here ….I´ll send this one out to you…..´´
Intro to “This Little Light Of Mine”
´´I wanna thank you all for coming out to the show this evening….and I want you to rise from your seats right now, let´s bring a little light into this room….´´
Compiled by : Johanna Pirttijärvi. |