Intro to “Radio Nowhere”
“Guten Abend! (crowd cheers) Is there anybody alive out there? (crowd cheers) is there anybody alive out there? (crowd cheers)…”
Intro to “Magic”
“Guten Abend, Köln! (crowd cheers) wie geht´s? (crowd cheers) es ist schön wieder in Köln zu sein (crowd cheers)(?) oh, this is, uh, this is called “Magic,” back home we, uh…lived through a period when we saw the truth get twisted till it sounds like a lie and a lie twisted till it sounded like the truth and the wheel of history spin ´round and ´round and a lot of tragedy happened so…this is called “Magic” but it´s really, it´s really all about tricks…”
Intro to “Livin´ in the Future”
“Köln!…wie geht´s (crowd cheers) oh, good evening…this is a song called “Livin´ in the Future”…but it´s about what´s happening now back where we come from…how along with all the things we love about our home and about America, over the past six years we´ve had to add things to the American picture like rendition and illegal wiretapping, rolling-back of civil liberties and no Habeas Corpus – that´s the right to defend yourself against charges in court – unnecessary warfare…these are things that, uh, this is a song about sleeping through changes that you never thought you´d see in your own country, in your own home…and, uh…and how those things come to pass (?) but the mighty E Street Band is here tonight to do something about it (crowd cheers) we´re gonna sing about it! (crowd cheers) we´re musicians (chuckles) and then we´ll see where that goes…Max!…”
Intro to “I´ll Work for Your Love”
“Do we have any lovers out there? (crowd cheers) oh, let me hear all you lovers (crowd cheers) I wanna hear all the lovers tonight (crowd cheers) you gotta work for it, let´s go…”
Intro to “Girls in Their Summer Clothes”
“Oh, thank you for coming to our show tonight! (crowd cheers) thank you so much…das ist ein Lied für alle Deutschen Mädchen (crowd cheers)(?) Deutschen Mädchen? (crowd cheers)…”
Middle of “American Land”
“Garry W.Tallent (crowd cheers) Little Steven (crowd cheers) Sister Soozie Tyrell (crowd cheers) the Mighty Max Weinberg (crowd cheers) Professor Roy Bittan (crowd cheers) in for Dan Federici, Charlie Giordano (crowd cheers) Nils Lofgren (crowd cheers) Clarence “Big Man” Clemons (crowd cheers) Köln!…you´ve just seen the heart-stopping, pants-dropping, earth-shocking, hard-rocking, booty-shaking, earth-quaking, love-making, Viagra-taking, history-making, legendary (crowd: “E Street Band”)…”
middle “Santa Claus Is Coming to Town”##**
“Wolfgang*…do you believe in Santa Claus?…do you believe in Santa Claus? (crowd cheers) do you really believe? (crowd cheers)…”
[*Wolfgang Niedecken is playing with the band on this song.]
Compiled by : Johanna Pirttijärvi. |