Scheduled: 19:30 Local Start Time ??:?? / End Time ??:??
Info & Setlist | Venue
"Boom Boom" makes a return to the set after an absence of almost exactly twenty years. "Part Man, Part Monkey" is also a surprise in the set, last played with the Band in 1988, plus "Gloria" (with guest Joe Grushecky) to close. All three are one-offs for the tour. "Mary's Place" includes "The Monkey Time". Final tour performances for "Summertime Blues", "Waitin' On A Sunny Day", "Reason To Believe", and "Prove It All Night". "Boom Boom", "Darlington County", "Waitin' On A Sunny Day", and "Reason To Believe" are played by sign request. Patti Scialfa is not present.
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