Scheduled: 19:30 Local Start Time ??:?? / End Time ??:??
Info & Setlist | Venue
The second of two nights for Bruce and Joe Grushecky in Pittsburgh. An epic night with plenty of surprises, not least the first known solo acoustic "Incident On 57th Street" in the opening trio. The main set includes "Darkness On The Edge Of Town", "Radio Nowhere" and "Adam Raised A Cain" not played the previous night, plus an extended encore that includes "Brown Eyed Girl" and "Pink Cadillac". "Hungry Heart" begins with Bruce on acoustic before the band kicks in. "Twist And Shout" includes "La Bamba" in the introduction. A four-song acoustic set ends the show, including an unusual "Does This Bus Stop At 82nd Street?" and the first ever acoustic "Surprise, Surprise". "Thunder Road" is sung with Grushecky. Between "I'll Work For Your Love" and "Darkness On The Edge Of Town", Grushecky and The Houserockers perform "East Carson Street" and "Swimming With The Sharks" (including a snippet of "Boom Boom") without Bruce.
Soldiers & Sailors Benefit
The Composure
- Bruce Springsteen (Guest)
Joe Grushecky & The Houserockers
- Johnny Grushecky (Guest)
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