Scheduled: 19:30 Local Start Time 20:23 / End Time 23:11
Info & Setlist | Venue
Second of two nights in Philadelphia. The first of five tour premieres is "Night", which replaces "Badlands". "Thundercrack" is played, granting the wish of a young girl who held up a sign with "Please play Thundercrack for my dad in Iraq". "Trapped" and "Darkness On The Edge Of Town" make their tour debuts, as does "Streets Of Philadelphia". The latter has only been played four times (not including off-tour performances) since 2002, all of which were in Philadelphia. A 14-minute horn-laden "Kitty's Back" is the highlight of the encores. "My City Of Ruins" includes "People Get Ready". The girl that danced with Bruce the night before climbed on stage by herself at the beginning of "Dancing In The Dark", but was set back by Bruce. Bruce had another girl in mind to dance with: his mother Adele. "Land Of Hope And Dreams" is dropped for the first time on the tour.
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