Scheduled: 21:00 Local Start Time 20:35 / End Time 00:32
Info & Setlist | Venue
Interesting 28-song set opens with the tour premiere of "Who'll Stop The Rain". Also played: "Adam Raised A Cain" into "Prove It All Night" (the latter without the 1978 intro), the first ever performance in Spain of "Save My Love", and a nice pairing of "The River" and "Backstreets", the latter with a near 'Sad Eyes' interlude. Close, but not quite. "My City Of Ruins" includes a snippet of "Sad Mood". The "this train" introduction to "Land Of Hope And Dreams" is dropped for the first time since Los Angeles. "The Rising" and "We Are Alive" are each dropped for the first time on the tour. Patti Scialfa is not present.
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