Scheduled: 20:00 Local Start Time 20:38 / End Time 00:16
Info & Setlist | Venue
Bruce's fourth appearance at the famous San Siro and he produces an incredible 33-song set that clocks in at over three-and-a-half hours. This magical night in Milan is one of the longest shows Bruce has ever done, although surpassed by the Madrid and Helsinki shows performed later on this leg of the tour. The band enter the stage to the theme song from Sergio Leone's Once Upon A Time In The West. "My City Of Ruins" includes a snippet of "Sad Mood". "The Promise" is played by Bruce alone at the piano. The "this train" introduction returns for the final time during "Land Of Hope And Dreams", which closes the main set. Four tracks from Born In The U.S.A. feature in the ten-song encore. A fan holds up a request to dance with Jake Clemons, and is allowed to do so during "Dancing In The Dark". First ever performances in Italy of "We Take Care Of Our Own", "Wrecking Ball", "Death To My Hometown", "Jack Of All Trades", "Shackled And Drawn", "The Promise", "We Are Alive", and "Rocky Ground". Patti Scialfa is not present.
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