Scheduled: 19:30 Local Start Time: 20:05 / End Time: 23:45
Info & Setlist | Venue
The first of two shows in Canada. After Charles Giordano's "Take Me Out To The Ball Game" welcomes the band to the stage, a 29-song set opens with "Working On The Highway", for only the third time. In a nod to 1978 "Mona" leads straight into "She's The One", last played like this in 2008 and 1981. There's also a rare solo piano "Incident On 57th Street". "Glory Days" closes the show. Bruce plays "Jack Of All Trades" on the day that a man shot dead a former colleague outside the Empire State Building in New York City, and follows it with "Murder Incorporated". "Twist And Shout" includes "La Bamba". First ever performances in Canada of "We Take Care Of Our Own", "Wrecking Ball", "Death To My Hometown", "Jack Of All Trades", "Shackled And Drawn", and "We Are Alive". Patti Scialfa is not present.
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