Scheduled: 19:00 Local Start Time 19:57 / End Time 23:05
Info & Setlist | Venue
Second night in Melbourne opens with "Badlands". "Cadillac Ranch" and an excellent "Downbound Train" split "We Take Care Of Our Own" and "Death To My Hometown", both played via sign request. Set also includes "Red Headed Woman" (third and final performance this tour, and the third sign request of the night), "Open All Night" and "Rosalita (Come Out Tonight)". "My City Of Ruins", including "Sad Mood" and "Tenth Avenue Freeze-Out", returns after it was dropped for the first Melbourne show. The handwritten setlist includes "One Step Up", but sadly Bruce elects to skip it (the song hasn't been played with the band since June 1988 during the Tunnel Of Love Express Tour, and would not reappear until 2014). Patti Scialfa is not present; Tom Morello stands in for Steven Van Zandt.
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