Scheduled: ??:?? Local Start Time 19:15 / End Time 22:24
Info & Setlist | Venue
The last of ten shows in Australia. The 29-song set is the longest of the leg. Show opens with a great foursome of "Adam Raised A Cain", "Candy's Room", "She's The One" and "Something In The Night". The set includes "Incident On 57th Street" for the ninth time this tour, Jimmy Barnes returning for a reprise of "Tougher Than The Rest", "Jackson Cage" by request, and "Open All Night". The encores include both "Rosalita (Come Out Tonight)" and the first "Twist And Shout" of 2013. Referring to Nils and Tom Morello, Bruce finishes by saying "it is an honor to be between two of the greatest guitarists." First ever performance in Australia of "Jackson Cage". Patti Scialfa is not present and the final show for Morello, who stands in for Steven Van Zandt.
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