Scheduled: 19:00 Local Start Time 19:22 / End Time 22:32
Info & Setlist | Venue
Bruce's second Irish show features a set full of rarities, including only the tour's only "The Price You Pay", just its third performance since 1981. "Real World" is brought out for the first time since the Devils & Dust Tour and is played twice, both solo piano: first in the pre-set and then again during the main show, opening the encore - it will not appear again on the tour. A third tour premiere, the tour's lone "Wild Thing," is played by sign request. "Frankie" is played for the sixth and final time on the tour; "I'll Work For Your Love", "Girls In Their Summer Clothes", "Sherry Darling", and "Seeds" also make their final tour appearances. "Prove It All Night" includes the '78 intro. As in Limerick, Bruce plays "This Little Light Of Mine" twice, although tonight he adds a solo acoustic "Thunder Road" afterwards to close the show. First ever performances in Ireland of "I'll Work For Your Love", "Wild Thing", "Frankie", "The Price You Pay", and "Shackled And Drawn", plus the '78-style intro version of "Prove It All Night". Patti Scialfa is not present.
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