2022-04-06 Stone Hill Farm, Colts Neck, NJ

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Bruce Springsteen performs on the occasion of Clive Davis's 90th birthday bash. Springsteen is not present at the party's Cipriani South Street location; instead, a pre-recorded video was projected on several screens. Bruce apologized for not being present while quarantined at home. He told the well-known story of how Clive rejected his debut album in 1972 because it didn't have any songs that could be played on the radio, and how he then went home and wrote "Spirit In The Night" and "Blinded By The Light". Once again he thanked Clive for this, saying that it was this rejection that led to these now-classics. He then played the latter song, accompanying himself on acoustic guitar in a somewhat herky-jerky rendition.

Clive Davis' 90th Birthday Bash

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