2020-05-20 SiriusXM Studio, New York City, NY

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Scheduled: 10:00 Local Start Time 10:04 / End Time 11:41

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'From His Home To Yours… Part 4' on Sirius XM's E Street Radio. Bruce pays tribute to the late Little Richard. Funny quote: "When the show is over, I might take a few naked selfies…." Bruce also makes a political statement: ""Now, the protesters that we've seen in our state capitals, pushing to get the country to open up or cut back on some of the mitigation, concerned me, you know? I worry for them, first of all. 'Cause up to this point, that mitigation has been our only defense against this deadly virus. I know folks need to get back to work, they need to get their bills paid, they need to feed their families, but the country should be opened in a cautious, safe, and responsible manner. Not carelessly, in a gesture that will cost tens of thousands of lives, prodded on by a president going against his own government mandate, and advising citizens to liberate Michigan, liberate Virginia. Frankly, that is the wrong language, right now, and it pissed me off. It's just weak and irresponsible. It's the gesture of a man willing to roll the dice, put the lives of those who put him into office, and their children, and their elderly/friends and families at risk, for perhaps nothing more than an election year ploy. It's cowardly!" Bruce also hinted towards the future: "I'm counting my days and my friends. I have things to do that involve me and you. Well I am ready and I hope you are too."

E Street Radio

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