1973-12-16 Shaboo Inn (The), Willimantic, CT

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Scheduled: 21:30 Local Start Time Cancelled / End Time Cancelled

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Cancelled show, never rescheduled. Originally scheduled as one show, with Bruce and the boys the sole act on the bill. Shaboo was a now-legendary watering hole that catered for students at nearby Eastern Connecticut University. A student at the school in December 1973 has commented to Brucebase: "I didn’t attend Shaboo that night but my dorm room-mate went and I seem to recall him returning later that evening and telling me that Springsteen hadn’t showed up!" The show’s cancellation has been corroborated in comments by former Shaboo owner/manager David Foster, who has stated that Springsteen’s camp phoned and cancelled only a day or two before the scheduled appearance. Springsteen also cancelled his April 1973 show at the same venue.

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