Scheduled: ??:?? Local Start Time Cancelled / End Time Cancelled
Info & Setlist | Venue
Cancelled Springsteen concert, never rescheduled. At the time (1974) there were separate boys and girls schools located on the same property. The concert had been planned for the school's 500-seat theater, which was used by both schools. However the student entertainment committee in charge of organizing the event was unable to sell enough tickets to pay the required deposit so the gig was cancelled. WMMR-FM's Kevin Gunn recalled in 1998: "First of all, it's probably one of the more dubious distinctions of my old high school, but it's a true story. But in 1974 there was a woman named Maura Mccanney. She was a girl then, but she was the first kid on the block really to be totally into Bruce Springsteen at my high School; she turned me onto Bruce. She approached the management of Bruce when he was touring around the area and doing the colleges and everything and said, 'Hey, would he– would he come to Archbishop Carroll to do a show?' They said, "Sure, if you can sell x amount of tickets" – I think was 400, I can't be sure. Anyway, we tried and we tried and we could not meet the number, we could not get 400 tickets sold. And the reason was simple. That was Memorial Day weekend of 1974. And all the kids at Archbishop Carroll felt like going down the shore and doing the exact things that Bruce Springsteen was singing about. You know, chasing factory girls underneath the boardwalk and all that. So, the sad tale is that even though it isn't in Dave Marsh's 'Born To Run' book as a date that happened, May 24th, I think, 1974, it was supposed Bruce at Archbishop Carroll – did not happen because we couldn't sell the 400 tickets. A great high school that I love dearly, but sadly one of the not the greatest moments in their history".
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