2004-03-15 Waldorf-Astoria Hotel, New York City, NY

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Bruce inducts Jackson Browne into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame at a ceremony in New York City. In his speech, Bruce recalled first seeing Browne at the Bitter End in the early seventies after he played his own set at Max's Kansas City. He also noted that the audiences the two drew were a little different. "Jackson Browne was a bona fide rock'n'roll sex star," said Springsteen. "Now, being a little competitive, I also noticed that while the E Street Band and I were sweatin' our asses off for hours just to put some fannies in the seats, that obviously due to what must have been some strong homo-erotic undercurrent in our music, we were drawing rooms filled with men. Not that great lookin' men either. Meanwhile, Jackson is drawing more women than an Indigo Girls show!" Bruce did not perform at the ceremony, which featured performances by Browne, Prince and Bob Seger.

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