2018-04-15 Wonder Bar, Asbury Park, NJ

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Scheduled: 16:00 Local Start Time No Performance / End Time No Performance

Setlist & Info | Venue

A surreal scene at the Wonder Bar in the afternoon. Bruce took his mother there to celebrate (in advance) her 93rd birthday and to see and play with The Eddie Testa Band. The band played six songs and Bruce did dance with his mom for a bit but then the power went out. It was a cold, rainy and windy day at the Jersey Shore. Bruce was definitely going to play, Kevin Buell was there with guitars. But the power never came back on. Bruce was there for more than 90 minutes. His son Sam was there also as were both of Patti's brothers. J.T. Bowen, a former member of Clarence Clemons's Red Bank Rockers, led the crowd in sing-alongs to "Stand By Me", "Under The Boardwalk", and "My Girl".

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