Scheduled: ??:?? Local Start Time ??:?? / End Time ??:??
Info & Setlist | Venue
Bruce and band rehearse in the back of a guitar maker/repair shop. Albee Tellone recalls: "A guy who called himself Charlie Brown ran it. His real name was Bill Herron. I think Garry Tallent worked there part time. Also, my former bass player Dennis Monahan worked there. They were still rehearsing there in the fall of 1972, when I went to find out about the roadie job. It's where I met Clarence Clemons. I already knew all of the other guys. The exception was that David didn't want to be in the touring band, so Bruce hired Danny Federici from the old Steel Mill band. Stevie was supposed to be in the band, but because Mike Appel opposed even having a band at all, he thought it best not to bother. He went to the recording sessions but Appel didn't let him play on anything. The guy that took the pic, Steve Bonham, was working there.
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