Almonte, Anthony

Anthony Almonte Leon (born June 3, 1992, New York City, NY) is a Puerto Rican singer and percussionist. He has studied with music greats such as Angel Rodriguez, Little Johnny Rivero, and Charlie Lagond. In his young career, Anthony has incorporated the Latin percussion instruments with various styles and genres. Almonte has performed with artists including Johnny Pacheco, Dave Valentin, and Little Steven. Anthony has recently toured with Kid Creole and The Coconuts, also participating in lead singer August Darnell's musical Cherchez La Femme. He is currently the percussionist and/or vocalist for Kid Creole and The Coconuts, New York based salsa band Grupo Arcano, and the Jonny Hirsch Band.

Source: Thalia Spanish Theatre

Performed 115 times live with Bruce Springsteen as a member of The E Street Choir.

Performed 7 times live with Bruce Springsteen, excluding those as a member of The E Street Choir.

As a member of The E Street Choir: Not as a member of The E Street Choir:

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