James Patrick Lynch (born July 30, 1979, Sturbridge, MA) is the electric guitarist and a vocalist of the Boston Celtic punk group Dropkick Murphys. Lynch joined the band in 2000 to record the album Sing Loud, Sing Proud. He was previously a member of the Boston-based bands The Ducky Boys and The Pinkerton Thugs. When Marc Orrell left the band in 2008, Lynch was asked to move up to lead guitar, but declined because he enjoyed his position in the band where he only played one instrument. Instead Tim Brennan was moved up to lead guitar and Jeff DaRosa was brought on to play banjo and mandolin. Lynch also played in the band Gimmie Danger along with Marc Orrell, Tim Brennan, and Ben Karnavas.
Source: Wikipedia
Performed 2 times live with Bruce Springsteen.
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