Selvin, Joel

Joel Selvin (born February 14, 1950, Berkeley, CA) is an American San Francisco-based music critic and author known for his weekly column in the San Francisco Chronicle which ran from 1972 to 2009. Selvin has written books covering various aspects of pop music—including the No. 1 New York Times best-seller, Red: My Uncensored Life In Rock with Sammy Hagar—and has interviewed a large number of musical artists. Selvin has published articles in Rolling Stone, the Los Angeles Times, Billboard, Melody Maker and has written liner notes for dozens of recorded albums. Selvin is a member of The Rock Bottom Remainders, a rather tongue-in-cheek band name for an amateur outfit consisting of writers. Springsteen joined them onstage for "Gloria" in 1994.

Source: Wikipedia

Performed 1 times live with Bruce Springsteen.

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