Snipes, Wesley

Wesley Trent Snipes (born July 31, 1962, Orlando, FL) is an American actor, film producer, and martial artist, who has starred in numerous films, thrillers, and dramatic feature films. Snipes is known for playing the Marvel Comics character Blade in the Blade film trilogy, among various other high profile roles. Snipes formed a production company, Amen-Ra Films, in 1991 and a subsidiary, Black Dot Media, to develop projects for film and television. Snipes has been training in martial arts since age 12, earning a high ranking 5th dan black belt in Shotokan Karate and 2nd dan black belt in Hapkido. He has also trained as a student of Capoeira under Mestre Jelon Vieira and in a number of other disciplines including various styles of kung fu and Brazilian Jiu Jitsu. As of 2012 Snipes is serving a prison sentence for misdemeanor failure to file U.S. federal income tax returns.

Source: Wikipedia

Performed 1 times live with Bruce Springsteen.

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