This Land Is Your Land (The Song) |
'Til We Outnumber 'Em (The Story) |
As I went walking that ribbon of highway
I saw above me, everybody!, that endless skyway
I saw below me a golden valley
This land was made for you and me
Help me out, Jim!
This land is your land, this land is my land
From California to the New York island |
So here's these two rabbits, mama rabbit and papa rabbit,
out in the woods one day, |
From the Redwood Forest to the Gulf Stream waters |
munching on things like rabbits like to do |
This land was made for you and me |
and, uh, the wind kicked up a little bit. |
I've roamed and rambled and I followed my footsteps |
And on the wind come the sound of dogs off in the distance. |
Through the sparkling sands of her diamond deserts |
The wind was swirling around, so the rabbits could tell
where the dogs, sound of the dogs was coming from |
And all around me a voice was sounding |
and they, uh just went back to munching on things, but now
they was nervous, now they was paying attention. |
This land was made for you and me |
After a while the wind died down, and the rabbits could
tell that the sound of the dogs was coming |
This land is your land, this land is my land |
clearly through those trees up on the hill or something,
and so they stood up, and they looked, |
From California to the New York island |
and there through the trees on the hill was this bunch of
dogs jumping up and down or something, |
From the Redwood Forest to the Gulf Stream waters |
and by some consummate coincidence as the two rabbits
jumped up looking at the two dogs, the dogs jumped up and
saw the two rabbits down below! |
This land was made for you and me |
And the dogs got happy. |
The sun came shining and I was strolling |
And their faces start smiling, their feet started running,
their tails is going, their eyes is smiling happy, |
Through wheat fields waving and dust clouds rolling |
barking, yelping, yelling, happy, running dogs. |
And a fog was lifting as a voice was sounding |
And when the rabbits saw the dogs coming, they called to
it, and they ran this way and that way around the trees and
over the rocks and through the shrubs |
Saying this land was made for you and me |
But no matter where they went and how quick they was, the
dogs kept getting closer and closer |
This land is your land, this land is my land |
Until finally the dogs was just about on top of them, and
the rabbits started getting tired. |
From California to the New York island |
And just as the dogs was on 'em, the rabbits ducked into
the hollow of a log, |
From the Redwood Forest to the Gulf Stream waters |
and in the next instant the dogs was all over the log, and
they was making a big racket because they couldn't get in. |
This land was made for you and me |
And deep in the hollow of the log, |
One more time! |
above all of the noise outside, |
This land is your land, this land is my land |
The mama rabbit looked at the papa rabbit, she said, |
From California to the New York Island |
"You know, pop, I don't believe we're gonna get out of this
alive." |
From the Redwood Forest to the Gulf Stream waters |
And the papa rabbit just smiled, he said, "well, that's all
right. |
This land was made for you and me |
We'll just stay here 'til we outnumber 'em." |