Greetings From Asbury Park, N.J. | The Wild, Innocent & E Street Shuffle | Born To Run | Darkness On The Edge Of Town | The River | Nebraska | Born In The U.S.A. | Tunnel Of Love | Human Touch | Lucky Town | Greatest Hits | The Ghost Of Tom Joad | Tracks | The Rising | The Essential | Devils & Dust | We Shall Overcome | Magic | Working On A Dream | The Promise | Wrecking Ball | High Hopes | The Ties That Bind | Chapter And Verse | Western Stars | Letter To You | Only The Strong Survive | Best Of
Early Band Years | Collaborations | Soundtracks
This key shows the main source CD/LP for the studio takes outlined in the different album sessions pages.
To access detailed track listing and information for a particular CD/LP click on the appropriate link - or go to the relevant page in the OTT directory to see the tracks available.
KEY | Title - Subtitle | Record Label {RL} | Carrier |
GREATEST | Greatest Hits - Official Studio / Compilation | Columbia | 1CD |
Tracks - Official Studio / Live Box Set | Columbia | 4CD 1CD |
The Essential Bruce Springsteen - Official Studio Set The Essential 2003 Bonus Disc |
Columbia | 2CD 1CD |
PROMISE | The Promise - Official Studio Set | Columbia | 2CD |
The Ties That Bind - Official Studio Set | Columbia | 2CD 1CD 1CD |
CHAPTER | Chapter And Verse - Official Studio Set | Columbia | 1CD |
1984AC | June 4, 1984 - An Alternative Companion | JEMS | 1CD |
AM | American Madness - Remastered Darkness Outtakes | Ev2 | 4CD |
ASOBS | Another Side Of Bruce Springsteen | Columbus {CLBS} | 1CD |
AT | Acoustic Tales 1979-1986 | Backstreet {BSR} | 3LP |
ATEOD | At The Edge Of Darkness | Musique Sabot {MS) | 1CD |
ATMF | A Tear Must Fall - Remastered River Outtakes | Ev2 | 3CD |
BACK | Backsides | 1CD | |
BB | Blood Brothers | International Noise {IN} | 1CD |
BFG | Bound For Glory | Flamingo Records {FR} | 1CD |
BIS | Born In The Studio | Archive Productions {AP} | 1CD |
BOB | The Boss Of The Boardwalk | Big Boss Man {BBM} | 1LP |
BSS2 | The Bruce Springsteen Story Vol.2 - The Castiles | E. St. Records {ESR} | 1CD |
BSS3 | The Bruce Springsteen Story Vol.3 - 1970 | E. St. Records {ESR} | 1CD |
BTF | Before The Fame | Pony Express {PE} | 1CD |
BTF2 | Before The Fame (v2) | Pony Express {PE} | 1CD |
BTF9 | Before The Fame ('99) | Pony Express {PE} | 2CD |
BTRCS | Born To Run Complete Sessions | H Production {HP} | 2CD |
BTRO | Born To Run Outtakes | 1CD | |
BTRS | Born To Run Sessions | 3CD | |
BUERM | Born In the USA - Essential Rare Masters | 1CD | |
BUOR | Born In The U.S.A. Outtakes Remastered | Moonchild Records {MR} | 2CD |
BWNH | Born With Nothin' In Hands - The Remastered Born To Run Outtakes | Ev2 | 1CD |
CAST | Castaway | Classic Unlimited {CU} | 1CD |
DBTR | Down By The River | 2CD | |
DDITV | Deep Down In The Vaults | E. St. Records {ESR} | 3CD |
DDO | The Definitive Remastered Darkness Outtakes | The Godfatherecords {GFR} | 2CD |
DDOC | The Definitive Darkness Outtakes Collection | E. St. Records {ESR} | 2CD |
DO-1 | The Iceman - Darkness Outtakes 1978 Vol.1 | Scorpio {SCRP} | 1CD |
DO-2 | The Way - Darkness Outtakes 1978 Vol.2 | Scorpio {SCRP} | 1CD |
DO-3 | The Promise - Darkness Outtakes 1978 Vol.3 | Scorpio {SCRP} | 1CD |
DROC1 | The Definitive River Outtakes Collection Vol.1 | E. St. Records {ESR} | 2CD |
DROC2 | The Definitive River Outtakes Collection Vol.2 | E. St. Records {ESR} | 2CD |
DT | The Demo Tapes | Traveling Productions {TP} | 1CD |
EDR | The Early Demo Recordings | Vintage Masters {VM} | 3CD |
ESR | E Street Rarities | 4CD | |
ET | "E" Ticket | Ruthless Rhymes {RR} | 1LP |
ETRJ | "E" Ticket Revisited | JEMS | 1CD |
ETRV | "E" Ticket Revisited | Vintage Masters {VM} | 1CD |
EY | The Early Years | Early Records {ER} | 1CD |
FS | Forgotten Songs | Traveling Productions {TP} | 1CD |
FFOD | Fistfull Of Dollars | E. St. Records {ESR} | 1CD |
FOF | Fire On The Fingertips | 1LP | |
FOFC | Fire On The Fingertips | Chapter One Digital Records {CODR} | 1CD |
GR | The Gospel's Rain | Lucky Touch Records {LTR} | 1CD |
GS | Garage Sessions | Scorpio {SCRP} | 3CD |
GT | The Genuine Tracks 1972-1996 | Scorpio {SCRP} | 4CD |
HD | Human Demos | Flamingo Records {FR} | 1CD |
HDT | The Hammond Demo Tapes | Full Circle {FC} | 1LP |
HNWB | How Nebraska Was Born - The Definitive Remastered Nebraska Outtakes | The Godfatherecords {GFR} | 2CD |
HOD | The Heart Of Darkness | Skydisc {SD} | 1CD |
LEK | Loose Ends | Kiss The Stone {KTS} | 1CD |
LER | Loose Ends | Rough Cut Trax {RCT} | 1CD |
LES | Loose Ends | Scorpio {SCRP} | 1CD |
LM-1 | The Lost Masters I - Alone In Colts Neck | Labour Of Love {LOL} | 1CD |
LM-2 | The Lost Masters II - One Way Street | Labour Of Love {LOL} | 1CD |
LM-3 | The Lost Masters III - Rattling The Chains | Labour Of Love {LOL} | 1CD |
LM-4 | The Lost Masters IV - Big Expendables | Labour Of Love {LOL} | 1CD |
LM-5 | The Lost Masters V - Heaven's Dawn | Labour Of Love {LOL} | 1CD |
LM-6 | The Lost Masters VI - Travel In Fear | Labour Of Love {LOL} | 1CD |
LM-7 | The Lost Masters VII - Stockton Boy | Labour Of Love {LOL} | 1CD |
LM-8 | The Lost Masters VIII - Under The Gun | Labour Of Love {LOL} | 1CD |
LM-9 | The Lost Masters IX - Love Is A Gun | Labour Of Love {LOL} | 1CD |
LM-10 | The Lost Masters X - Jesse James/The Wages Of Sin | Labour Of Love {LOL} | 1CD |
LM-11 | The Lost Masters XI - Walk Don't Run | Labour Of Love {LOL} | 1CD |
LM-12 | The Lost Masters XII - Buddy Holly Revisited | Labour Of Love {LOL} | 1CD |
LM-13 | The Lost Masters XIII - Restless Days | Labour Of Love {LOL} | 1CD |
LM-14 | The Lost Masters XIV - Out On The Run | Labour Of Love {LOL} | 1CD |
LM-15 | The Lost Masters XV - Slow Fade | Labour Of Love {LOL} | 1CD |
LM-16 | The Lost Masters XVI - Garage Tapes Masters Vol.1 | Labour Of Love {LOL} | 1CD |
LM-17 | The Lost Masters XVII - Wages Of Sin | Labour Of Love {LOL} | 1CD |
LM-18 | The Lost Masters XVIII - Hollywood Hills II | Labour Of Love {LOL} | 1CD |
LM-19 | The Lost Masters XIX - BITUSA Rare Masters | Labour Of Love {LOL} | 1CD |
LMEC1 | The Lost Masters - Essential Collection | Labour Of Love {LOL} | 2CD |
LMEC2 | The Lost Masters - Essential Collection 2 | Labour Of Love {LOL} | 2CD |
MAT | Man At The Top | 1CD | |
MI | Murder Incorporated - The Real Born In The U.S.A. Album | The Godfatherecords {GFR} | 1CD |
MILM | Murder Incorporated - The Lost Masterpiece (Remastered) | Flamingo Records {FR} | 1CD |
MO | Mr. Outside | Wild River Records {WRR} | 1CD |
MPD | Music Publisher's Demos 1972 | Quality Compact Productions {QCP} | 1CD |
MT1 | Missing Tracks Vol. One | Thrill Hill Records {THR} | 4CD |
MT2 | Missing Tracks Vol. Two | Thrill Hill Records {THR} | 4CD |
MTQ | Missing Tracks | Trademark of Quality Product {TQP} | 1CD |
O&S | Odds & Sods | Crystal Cat Records {CCR} | 1CD |
ODM | The Original Darkness Mixes | E. St. Records {ESR} | 1CD |
O711S | Outside The Seven-Eleven Store | 1LP | |
OSOR | Other Side Of The River | 1CD | |
PS | Prodigal Son | Crystal Cat Records {CCR} | 2CD |
PSC | Passaic Sound Check | 1CD | |
PSS | The Pre-Street Shuffle - 1966-1974 | Flynn | 2CD |
PYP | The Price You Pay - River Outtakes | Erno | 2CD |
RO | River Outtakes | 1CD | |
ROOI | Running Out Of Innocence - Born To Run & The Wild,The Innocent And The E Street Shuffle Outtakes | The Godfatherecords {GFR} | 2CD |
ROU | Roulette | Route 9 Records {R9R} | 1LP |
RRR | River Refineries Revisited | Pia Records {PIA} | 1CD |
RTT | Roll The Tapes - Studio Recording Rarities Collection | Vintage Masters {VM} | 1CD |
SA | Slipping Away | 1CD | |
SA914 | Sessions At The 914 | 1CD | |
SBRR | Steelmill Bossman / River Refinery | CBS | 1LP |
SC | Studio Collection 1972-1979 | Babel Records {BLR} | 4LP |
SFEM | Songs For An Electric Mule | Kill Seven Cats {KSC} | 2CD |
SMM | A Self Made Man | Vinyl Sound Records {VSR} | 1LP |
SO | Studio On | BS Fanclub Records {BSFR} | 1LP |
SYMKB | Son You May Kiss The Bride | Basil Records {BLR} | 1LP |
SOTE | Still On the Edge | Jersey Records {JR} | 2LP |
TFTV | Treasures From The Vault | Ev2 | 3CD |
TDB | Tape Deck Blastin' - BITUSA Outtakes | Ev2 | 1CD |
THLBB | This Hard Land | Blood Brothers Records {BB} | 1LP |
THLBP | This Hard Land | Boss Productions {BP} | 1LP |
THLRR | This Hard Land | Red Robin {RRR} | 1CD |
TTTBC | The Ties That Bind | Capricorn {CPCN} | 1CD |
TTTBE | The Ties That Bind | ESB | 1CD |
TTTBJ | The Ties That Bind | JEMS | 1CD |
TTTBR | The Ties That Bind | Red Robin {RRR} | 1CD |
US1 | The Unsurpassed Springsteen Vol.1 - The Early Years | Yellow Dog Records {YDR} | 1CD |
US2 | The Unsurpassed Springsteen Vol.2 - Max's Kansas City 1972-1973 | Yellow Dog Records {YDR} | 1CD |
US3 | The Unsurpassed Springsteen Vol.3 - CBS Auditon (Hammond Demos) | Yellow Dog Records {YDR} | 1CD |
US4 | The Unsurpassed Springsteen Vol.4 - Greetings From Asbury Park Outtakes | Yellow Dog Records {YDR} | 1CD |
US5 | The Unsurpassed Springsteen Vol.5 - E Street Shuffle Outtakes | Yellow Dog Records {YDR} | 1CD |
US6 | The Unsurpassed Springsteen Vol.6 - The Boss Vol.1 | Yellow Dog Records {YDR} | 1CD |
UBTROC | Ultimate Born To Run Outtakes Collection | Fanatic Records {FR} | 2CD |
UH | Unsatisfied Heart - Remastered Born In The U.S.A. Outtakes | Ev2 | 2CD |
UNE | Unearthed (Version 1) / Unearthed (Version 2) | Masquerade Music {MM} | 1CD |
UP | The Unbroken Promise - Lighting Up The Darkness Sessions | The Godfatherecords {GFR} | 6CD |
URT1M | Ultra Rare Trax Volume 1 (Mosquito) | Mosquito {MR} | 1CD |
URT1 | Ultra Rare Trax Volume 1 | The Genuine Pig {TGP} | 1CD |
URT2 | Ultra Rare Trax Volume 2 | The Genuine Pig {TGP} | 1CD |
URT3 | Ultra Rare Trax Volume 3 | The Genuine Pig {TGP} | 1CD |
URT4 | Ultra Rare Trax Volume 4 | The Genuine Pig {TGP} | 1CD |
VA | Visions Of America | Boss Records {BR} | 1LP |
VAFH | Visitation At Fort Horn | Acme Records {AR} | 1LP |
WAR | War And Roses - Definitive Born To Run Outtakes | E. St. Records {ESR} | 1CD |
YBNT2 | You Better Not Touch 2 | Crystal Cat Records {CCR} | 1CD |
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