
Listed below is every song that Bruce Springsteen is known to have performed live since 1965, or officially released on an album, single, or EP. Follow the links to find out when and where songs have been performed. Private (no audience) rehearsals and soundchecks are not included, nor are recording sessions. Partial songs (like "Mona" in "She's The One" or "Travelin' Band" in "Detroit Medley") are included, as are songs which Springsteen has provided backing guitar or vocals for other artists. We have grouped songs with a handwritten lyric sheet on a separate list. For these songs, the details include an image of the handwritten lyric sheet. For officially released songs we also include the lyrics. We also have a list of Orphaned Songs, a list of songs that are known from lyric sheets or other sources but are not known to have been recorded in the studio, performed live, or even completed. To complete the song information, we've included a list of songs that we know to have been registered at the Library of Commerce. Some of the songs also have their video officially released.

If you don't feel like scrolling around (it's a long list!), we also have the songs, sorted by album. Or check out the Top 100 most played songs and the number of times every song has been played live, sorted by album. Also check out our list of Songs that have never been performed live, or our list of songs that have only been performed live as a snippet.

We currently have 1611 different songs listed.

  • Springsteen originals: 571.
  • Covers or collaborations: 1040.

Note: Songs starting with a subtitle are listed under the first letter of the song's main title ! (eg. "(Your Love Keeps Lifting Me) Higher and Higher" is listed under "H", and also under "Alt."

For those who prefer to scroll through a list of all the songs.

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