On this page you can view detailed statistics for Springsteen's tours, including song counts, songs played per album, location in the setlist, and many more. Only the Wrecking Ball Tour is available for now, more coming soon.
Tour Statistics
Bruce Springsteen has done 3548 different performances, excluding private rehearsals, to date.
- Tour related: 2813
- Public Rehearsals: 38
- Non-tour: 698
An overview of all dates and locations where Bruce is known to have participated in a rehearsal session for a live performance.
Guest Performances & Appearances
Information on all the artists and performers that Springsteen has shared a stage or studio with over the last years. This includes dates and locations. Want to find exactly when Bruce has performed with John Fogerty or Southside Johnny? Or when he recorded with Joe Grushecky? This is for you.
Tour Premieres
List of all shows with two to nine (or more) tour premieres.
The Live Top 100
Overview of the 100 most live performed songs.
Longest Shows
List of Springsteen's longest shows to date.
Special Events
Dates that are related to special events like festivals, benefits or personal events.
Cancelled, Rescheduled or Relocated
List of shows that were cancelled entirely, rescheduled to another date, or relocated/moved to a new venue.
Shows per Weekday or Month
- List of shows that were scheduled on that particular day of the week, including rehearsals.
- List of shows that were scheduled in that particular month of the year, including rehearsals.
Setlist openers and closers
Ever wondered how many times Badlands has opened a set? Wonder no more!! Compiled by Jake and accurate to the end of 2009's Working On A Dream Tour.
Solo Performances
An overview of all shows with Bruce performing one or more songs solo.
Setlist- and Ticket-scans
- Shows we have a Memorabilia-scan for.
Song Count (by album)
The number of occasions every released song has been played live, sorted by album.
Full Album Performance
An overview of all shows with Bruce performing a full album in sequence.
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