Hi, I'm on the radio right now … and to those guys, who are relatives of mine, I'll like to come down and open the show. This first song I wanna play is a song about this bishop and his woman and … this violin-player, and it's about this little girl who lost her mother to mathematics and it's about pancakes and it's about James Garner and how he married this woman with one eye, who kicks like a mule, and it's about the sexual patterns of elderly boys, and this little boy who thinks that the indians are still in the woods, only nobody sees them
Sartori: "That's quite a change from a Satin Doll!"
Bruce "Yeah!"
Sartori: "What's going on here?"
Bruce: "I don't know, I'm not sure. Where's the band? Bring the band back on! I'll introduce the band. On two I have my second cousin Garry Tallent, from Asbury Park, N.J., and on accordion there's someone I found playing in the audience of a (?) show, Danny Federici. Play's thing Danny … very nice, very nice, thank you!"
"And on the saxophone I have my brother, Clarence Clemons, on radio you don't have to explain that!" "Okay… Okay! This is our very first show on radio and I wanna say hello to my mother who's in California". "Hi, mom …" "Allright! And we're gonna play a song about these little carnivals who come around to your grammar schools and set up in the parking lot. This is a kind of behind the scenes of adventure stories"
Bruce: "Well, now that was a slow song. Now I'll do one out of myself"
Bruce: "Ooh, come on fellows, going back, going back!"
Sartori: "Don't you wanna say a word or two about Asbury Park, N.J.?"
Bruce: "Euh, I've been trying to get out of there for 20 years!"
Sartori: "No, No! Tell us something about the album"
Bruce: "I don't know". Paul's Mall reminds me of that bar I was once playing in N.J." "It was called PANDEMONIUM, and that was the name of the bar, and, but, actually, Paul's Mall wanted to do a simple keketcheen keketcheen(?), you know"
You got used on that the other night" "This is crazy. In the summer everybody comes to Asbury Park …"
Bruce: "Hmm, let's do bus drive! I tell everybody right away. Cause nobody knows what it is to be playing on the radio. Open up a little bag and we're all right in there! Okay, let's do this bus-song! On the tracks" "One, two, uh, uh, ah!" "Yeah, the first part of this song was written on a bus in NY going up to 82nd Street, and the second part was written on a subway going downtown to play at the Gaslight and the third part was made up at my house …"
Compiled by Sergiow on the BTX-forum