03.06.74 Cleveland, OH, intro to ´Sandy´
´´This is a song about where we come from…..which is about…..eight hours from here, I guess…..down along the Jersey shore…..this is, uh, ‘Fourth of July Asbury Park’….´´
03.06.74 Cleveland, OH, intro to ´Tokyo´
´´This next song…..this next song is, uh……this song is something ‘bout….living in a small town…..many people here from Jersey ? You folks ?….from New York ?…..(?) you got, this is uh…..(?) Heights…..I don’t know where that is (chuckles)….(?)….´´
03.06.74 Cleveland, OH, intro to ´Rosalita´
´´So this is Cleveland (chuckles)….Rosie…..wherever you are….´´
Compiled by : Johanna Pirttijärvi