Story 1974-07-13 New York City, NY

13.07.74 New York City, NY, middle of ´The E Street Shuffle´
´´And he slips on his jeans….puts on a t-shirt (?)….picks up some bucks off the pillow, gets his housekeys…switches off his stereo…shuts out the lights….steps outside the house…. shuts the door (?)…walks up to the car…opens the door for her….(?)…(Ernest Carter hits the drum) that´s when he slammed the house door…(?)….he walks around his side, gets in….(?) ….”

13.07.74 New York City, NY, intro to ‘Kitty’s Back’
´´(?) New Jersey people here ? (cheers) yeah, there’s like….there’s this club out on Route 33 ….it’s, yeah, it’s called Sportsman’s Club….yeah….(?) businessmen’s luncheons, they have like, like go-go dancers there and stuff….and a girlfriend of mine dances there sometimes…. and she, she explained it to me a little bit how it works, how the girls get paid and stuff….and uh…..every time I ride by that place to look for her name on the….on the billboard… know, ‘cause it has like, you know, ‘Businessmen’s luncheon 12, 12 to 5’….uh, ‘Katie and Marie’…really, they do, everybody hooks up with a certain girl down there and uh….they have like, uh….´Mary tonight´, you know, ‘8 to 10’….and uh….and I went by there one day ….and….and….Kitty’s back !….”

Compiled by : Johanna Pirttijärvi

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