Story 1977-03-23 Boston, MA

23.03.77 Boston, MA, intro to ‘Night’:
”Are you hanging loose ?….There’s good rocking tonight…..”

23.03.77 Boston, MA, intro to ‘Mona / She’s the One’ :
”I think I’ll….do this for all the girls….”

23.03.77 Boston, MA, intro to ‘Growin’Up’:
”This is a song….this is a song my mother always makes me play for my father when he comes home….now, this is for all the folks that was uh…..that came to see us when we were starting out over at Oliver’s and…..Charlie’s Place….and at Joe’s dump (chuckles)(cheers)…..sorry, Joe (chuckles)….ah, Professor, please…..
(….) There I was….it was me and Miami….the Big Man….riding down this dirtroad….
down in the swamps….just came back off this date where we had these three girls with us in the car that we got to go out with us…..all they kept saying all night , we took ‘em out to eat, took ‘em to the movies, all they kept saying was ‘We wanna go home, we wanna go home, we wanna go home’….alright….happens to everybody, you know, it’s like….so we’re heading home but we was drinking, we take ‘em down this dirt-road, there was no streetlights, no moon out, we shut off the headlights, all the lights in the car, we tried to scare ‘em , you know…’s like I used to tell ‘em like I was a mass murderer , (?) ax murders….and like we’d park at the dark side of the road, try to scare the hell out of them so the night wouldn’t be a total waste of time and like (cheers)…..this night….this night….we’re riding down the road, I had my old man’s ‘63 Impala….riding down the road…, I had that thing to the floor, we was screaming…..we must’ve been doing…..45, right ? (cheers)….it stopped there, right… 40, eeh … we’d try to have some fun, all of a sudden , they’re bitching, bitching, bitching at me, right, like all of a sudden….out of the sky….flying flashing light….’Goddamn’, I said (chuckles)…..sideswiped the car, right, the car spins off into the mud, right, spins off into the swamps, it’s all messed up, the side all fucked up, my old man’s gonna kill me, right…..and like….I hit my head on the steering wheel….that’s how my nose got like this and then I looked off into the field….and there was like, sitting over there in the field was this big silver thing, there humming away, making (?) noise like that….. and like there on the side it had….’Don Big Daddy Kerwich SDP…..(?) cigars, hope your head is on the side (cheers)….347 fuel-injected’ right….it’s like….a competition clutch for, for…’s like (chuckles)….we go over there, like, and we’re feeling sorta mean….you know because like the car is messed up and the girls they’re really….. they’re really singing the blues, you know (chuckles)(cheers)…..their clothes all muddy and stuff… we go over there, we knock on the thing, right, this guy has on the side a big sign ‘(?) or bust’….sticks his head out….we explain him he ain’t on Mars, we explain him that he’s in New Jersey (cheers)…..and that….so….he’s in for some real trouble, he’s all out of (?) and he just smashed up my car, right… the guy says ‘Listen, just tell me how to get to the New Jersey Turnpike so I can get out of here and get back to (?)’ ….. (cheers)….. so … we sit there and we’re like ‘Nah….we tell you how to get to no place till you fix the car’, he says ‘I tell you what I’ll do for you guys….I give you guys a wish….I’ll give you guys one wish if you tell me how to get to that turnpike’…..we thought about it for a while, he said ‘Come on, what you guys wanna be ?…..I can make you guys ….wanna be emperors?… guys wanna be kings of the world ?….you wanna be… wanna own your own Pizza Hut ?’, right (laughter)….we’re thinking of stuff so we said ‘OK (?)’….we came up and said ‘Mr.Spaceman….we wanna….our wish is we wanna…..we wanna…..we wanna be….. we wanna…..Mr.Spaceman…..we wanna …..we wanna…..we wanna be rock’n’roll stars…..”

23.03.77 Boston, MA, middle of ‘Backstreets’:
”Me and you baby…..just me and you girl…..we’re running back…..hey, we’re running back…..tonight we’re way down…..we’re way down…..we’re way down by the railroad tracks… the backseat, in the backseat…..of that old Cadillac….Billy’s got cleats on his boots…..her heels are stacked…..I remember there was this old car….. this guy abandoned in the middle of this field……about a mile and a half outside of town….. at night we used to hitchhike out there…..the outside was real stripped down….. the inside was still alright… was me and her and it was Billy…..the three of us….. we used to go riding back……yeeeeah…..we’d go riding back…..I remember one night….. these kids set fire to this abandoned farmhouse that was about…..half a mile up the tracks…..from the backseat of that car, we could watch……we’d watch it burn….. they had these machines down there, these engines down there and there was this fireroad out there kids used to race on…..till the cops came and chased them away….. we’d just watch the flames (?) across the sky….the water rushing through the air….there (?), it was me, her and Billy, we promised…..that we was never gonna go anyplace…..without each other…..we promise we was never gonna go….anyplace outside of this town…..we sat on the hood of the car and watched the flames rushing across the field….rushing towards us….rushing towards us…rushing towards us…. watching the flames rushing towards us and we ran up on the tracks, we ran back into the town….. and I remember waiting ….(?)…I remember waiting….waiting for something that was never gonna come…..every night waiting for something that was never gonna come…. I remember asking ‘Where you going` and Billy was down on the beach with his shotgun, he was trying to blow the rats out of the jet, he was just shooting at the shadows…..I remember standing on the rocks…..watching Billy just shoot into the shadows down ‘long the beach….with his 22, shooting at the shadows …..I was just standing out there on the rocks, just wishing that for once….just wishing that just once…..God would send some angels to blow this whole town into the sea….. God would send some angels just to blow it all away….just wishing God would send some angels and blow this whole town right into the sea…..just blow it all away….. because you promised….because you promised…..and baby you lied… you lied …..your pretty li-li-lies…..your pretty li-li-lies….your pretty li-li-lies….your pretty li-li-lies….. I just wish he’d blow it all away…..just blow it all away…..just blow it all away….. just blow it all away…..just blow it all away…..”

23.03.77 Boston, MA, intro to ‘Quarter to Three’:
”Are you prepared ……for the heart attack ? (cheers)….”

23.03.77 Boston, MA, intro to ‘Little Latin Lupe Lu’:
”Everybody now….clap your hands….slap your face….check your case…..”

Compiled by : Johanna Pirttijärvi

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