Story 1978-07-14 San Antonio, TX

14.07.78 San Antonio, TX, intro to ´Candy´s Room´
´´Thank you….who´s, uh….who came (a lot of people yell `Bruce´)(chuckles) whooo….who came, who came down here from Austin tonight ? (cheers) who´s from San Antonio ? (cheers)(chuckles) we´re gonna….(?) I tell you what, we can either do, right now we can do ´For You´ from Greetings from Asbury Park or we can do ´Candy´s Room´ so who´s here ´For You´ ? (cheers) who wants to hear ´Candy´s Room´ ? (cheers)….”

14.07.78 San Antonio, TX, intro to ´For You´ (following ´Candy´s Room´)
´´And now for you other guys….”

14.07.78 San Antonio, TX, intro to ´Racing in the Street´
´´(people yell out requests) We´re gonna get to those, we´re gonna get to those songs, we´re gonna….this is a song for all the San Antonio and all the Austin car-boys, this is ´Racing in the Street´….”

14.07.78 San Antonio, TX, intro to ´Thunder Road´
´´We were driving….last year we….flew out to Salt Lake City and bought this, uh, ´65 Ford ….and drove out to Reno, it was me and Steve and two other guys…and we were driving somewhere, someplace in the desert, I don´t even remember which state it was in….and we came upon this sign and there was this big house, was this big sculpture this indian had scavanged stuff off the desert and built a house out of it and there was a sign that said ´This is the land of peace, love, justice and no mercy’ and at the bottom it said ‘Thunder Road’ ….´´

14.07.78 San Antonio, TX, intro to ´Paradise by the C´
´´(?)…hey, in this corner, 260 pounds of master of disaster, Clarence Clemons….”

14.07.78 San Antonio, TX, middle of ´Growin´Up´
´´I remember me and Steve and Clarence, we had….this big date one night, we had these three girls we´d been chasing for a long time and we finally got ´em to say they´d go out with us….and….we had nothing but this beat-up old car and we decided to get it painted….and I don´t know if they have ´em out here, I guess they do, but there´s this guy called Earl Shy (cheers) it used to be 39.95, now it´s 49.95 (chuckles)….leave your windows down and we´ll do the interior for nothing…..I remember….I got in, I got into a fight (?) and this kid threw me on the hood of one of these Earl Shy painted cars, I had blue paint on my forehead for three weeks after that (chuckles) you know, ´hey, how you doing ?´ (chuckles)….anyway, we get the car, we get the girls, take ´em to the movies….we´re gonna take ´em over to Clarence´s house ´cause he´s got the nice furniture….so….we´re driving along on this old backroad…. we´re doing about….had it, I had it to the floor, right ? we had it flat out to the floor, we were doing all of about….45 (chuckles) I got it to the floor….trying to get back to the house (?) contemplating changing their minds….and….all of a sudden….Miami was looking out the backwindow, he started yelling ´Boss, Boss´ when something came shooting around the moon, scooting down to the Route 35 Circle, did three turns around the Circle, it came screaming by us at about 6,000 miles an hour, bam !….it was a little faster than that, sort of like, uh (a ´quicker´ sound of the guitar) let me try it one more time (another guitar sound) I swerved off the road, pulled into this swamp…crashed into the mud, hit my head on the steering wheel and the girls were screaming and bitching at me (chuckles)(?)….so but we look over into the field….and there´s something, something glowing in there so me and Clarence and Steve….now, we weren´t exceptionally afraid and we decided we walk over to the field and see what it was that passed us by so fast…..I noticed (?)(chuckles)….that´s why I get to be the Boss….that´s like….anyway, we´re sneaking over there and we´re hearing all these spooky noises….coming out of the woods (cheers) we thought it might´ve been Warren Zevon (chuckles) but his (?) wasn´t out here so it couldn´t have been him…..but we got over there and there this big saucer about ten feet off the ground, on the side it says ´Big Daddy Don Garlitz - King of the dragsters´….(?) on the outside, the guy sticks his head out, says ´Can any of you guys tell me which way it is to the New Jersey Turnpike ?´….(?) say ´Mister, you are looking at the New Jersey Turnpike….and the Garden State Parkway too´….so, he says ´Listen, I give you guys each one wish, if you tell me how to get out of here´….so we´re thinking about it now, thinking about a spare, no….thinking about….finally we said ´Ok, Mr.Spaceman, what we wanna be….what we wanna be….is movie stars´….he says ´No way, you guys ain´t got no looks….but would you settle for rock and roll ?´…..”

14.07.78 San Antonio, TX, middle of ´Backstreets´
´´Hey, little girl….hey, little girl…, I remember you… well I remember you….. standing on the corner ….of Richmond Avenue…..and back then I swore…..and back then I swore….I´d drive all night….I´d drive all night….I swear I´d drive all night….just to buy you some shoes…..and to taste… taste your tender charms….to have you hold me in your arms ….for just one kiss….baby, for just one kiss….and a look, and a look, and a look….and a look from your sad eyes….a look from your sad eyes…, la, la….la, la, la…..oh, how they cried … was so lonely….and how they cried….and me, I was your fool…, I was your fool….I thought somehow that I could stop….your crying…..maybe I could stop…..your crying….for a moment I could….stop your crying….maybe I could stop….little girl, your crying….but only you knew….baby, only you knew….that baby´d been lying….baby´d been lying….little girl….you´d been lying….didn´t you know….baby, you´d been lying….didn´t you know….and now you´re back….and oh yeah, you still look fine….and oh yeah, I still want you to be mine….(?) look into my face… got to look into my face….you´ve got to to look into my face…..(?)…..´cause I´ve been out…..and I´ve seen some things….about me….about you…..(?)….”

14.07.78 San Antonio, TX, intro to ´The Fever´
´´(some people yell for ´Fever´) Oh no !….I thought I´d get by, I thought I´d get by one night without somebody yelling out that song…..yeah, every place I´ve gone for the past five years, somebody yells out ´FEVER´….(?) tonight maybe nobody would yell it….now, how many, how many of you guys have heard this song ´Fever´ ? (cheers)(?)….”

14.07.78 San Antonio, TX, intro to ´Born to Run´
´´(?)….I wanna thank, I wanna thank you all for coming down, coming down to the show tonight, let you know we really appreciate it….I´d like to, I´d like to thank all you guys that, that made that long ride from Austin, you know we….(?)….tell everybody, everybody back there we said ´hi´….”

Compiled by : Johanna Pirttijärvi

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