![Storyteller storyteller.gif](http://brucebase.wdfiles.com/local--files/content:files/storyteller.gif)
28.07.78 Miami, Fla., intro to ´Factory´
´´My father, he used to….I remember there´d be two times in the day when I´d bump into him, he had a lot of different jobs, he was a truck driver for a while, he worked as a guard at the jail….but I remember he used to work in this plastics factory and at night (?)….he´d be sitting in the dark (?) drinking a six-pack of beer….and I´d only see him, when I walked through the kitchen, I could always see the light of his cigarette but I couldn´t really see him ….my bedroom was….was over the backyard, my father would buy these 100-dollar, 100-dollar junk cars…(?) and in the morning I´d lay there in bed and I´d hear him out back popping the hood….working under the hood of the car, trying to get it started (?) half-hour to get the car started and half-hour to drive to work….and uh….he did that for a real long time ….”
28.07.78 Miami, Fla., intro to ´Prove It All Night´
´´I remember when I was small (?) I´d come home and my mother´d tell me that….if I went upstairs and said my prayers and went to bed that everything´d be alright in the morning…. but….I found out that ain´t the way it works…..see you gotta prove it all night….”
28.07.78 Miami, Fla., intro to ´Thunder Road´
´´Last summer we drove from Salt Lake City down to Reno…..we bought this 900-dollar Ford Galaxy ´65 (?)(someone sets off a firework) please don´t blow yourself up at my party, alright ?….if you wanna blow yourself up, (?) get outside….anyway, we were driving through the desert someplace and we ended on this sideroad and this indian had built this house that he´d sculpted from….off the things he´d scavanged off the desert….I remember out in front there was a (?) said ´Landlord´ and had a picture of Geronimo and then there was, was a big white sign and on it it said ´This is the land of peace, love, justice and no mercy´ and at the bottom it pointed down this little desert road that said ´Thunder Road´….”
28.07.78 Miami, Fla., intro to ´Heartbreak Hotel´
´´Uh, let me think, uh….(?)…this was uh….this is an old song that we don´t do but I love it so much that we´re gonna do it….and uh….I was originally gonna call….(?) ´Darkness on the Edge of Town´ I was gonna call, I was gonna steal this title and use it for the album but I didn´t have the guts, it´s such a classic, alright !….”
28.07.78 Miami, Fla., intro to ´I Fought the Law´
´´(tunes his guitar)(someone yells) Yeah, we´re gonna do that one ! (tunes his guitar some more) I never learned how to do this right, you know….been playing for 14 years and (?)…. (?) somebody´s yelling (keeps on tuning)….we, we´re gonna play another one that, that, that we used to do, ok (?), let´s do, uh, let´s do ´I Fought the Law´….here´s a song by Bobby Fueller Four….”
28.07.78 Miami, Fla., intro to ´Growin’Up´
‘‘(?) it wasn´t really….but I should have called it….´I Was a Teenage Werewolf´….Professor, please…..there I was…..it was 3 in the morning….I just got playing this, I got playing this little bar….it was a block off the beach …..and…..I was standing on the boardwalk in Asbury ….and I looked up…. and there was this big bright light….and I looked …..I remember….all of a sudden…. I started to feel different …..I grew this hair all over my face …..hair all over my head …..my pants got tighter….I grew a guitar instead of my left arm….. and I started singing the words to ‘Heartbreak Hotel’….(?) ….
(….) There we were….it was me and Clarence and Steve….and it must´ve been these three girls over here….you see, we´d been trying to get these girls to go out with us for about two months….but like, forget it, nothing (?)….so finally one night, they must´ve been bored or something ´cause they said they´d go so we all got all dressed up real sharp and we had this …we had this (?) old Rambler, right….(?) American motors, forget it (chuckles)….but like… (?) we got these girls, the least we could do, the thing was all smashed, the least we could paint the car….so back East or up East, I guess they got it here, we took it to this guy Earl Schieb….at the time it was 39.95 to paint a car….leave the windows down, he does the interior for free….put your little, put your little brother in the frontseat, he´ll do him too (chuckles) anything in or around the car gets painted (chuckles)(?)….and we take ´em to the movies, we take ´em out to eat and we´re coming to the moment of truth….and we take them down this dark road….and what we used to do we´d take ´em down this dark road where there´s no streetlights or anything, we´d turn the headlights off so you can´t see nothing and try to scare ´em so they´d come closer to us so we got the headlights off, we´re swirving down this dark road, we got the foot to the floor, we´re doing about….goddamn, we must´ve been doing 45, right (chuckles) that´s as fast as the car would go….so all of a sudden…. they´re screaming, they´re yelling, like, they wanna go home and stuff so we´re trying not to pay any attention, when all of a sudden one of the girls we´ve got in the back with us says ´Look ! Around the moon !´ and something down around the moon, 3000 miles an hour came shooting down towards the earth, did about three turns around the Route 35 Circle (?)….(?) ….I was at the wheel, I got so scared I drove off the road…into the swamps, right, the car is stuck to the doorhandles in mud and the girls are bitching and yelling….they´re yelling at me ´Hey, get out, fix it´ (?) I bumped my head on the steering wheel, they´re yelling ´Come on, fix the car ! You write all the car songs, why can´t you fix the car ?´ (chuckles)…like me, I get under the hood, it´s like Alice lost in Wonderland, you know ?….´Where does this go ?´ ….so anyway, (?) complaining and I look over in the field and I see something glowing over there….so we walk over there…..and way off in the distance (?) me and Clarence and Steve, we´re walking over there….we´re hearing all these spooky noises coming out of the woods (cheers)….they made me go first, right….and we get….(?) in the middle of this swamp…. there´s this red, sort of red, white and blue round saucer that says on the side ´Miami Beach or bust´….couldn´t figure it out…..we tapped on the outside and this door slowly comes down, we figure there´s gonna be a green man or something coming out but instead out comes this guy in a white belt, white pants and white shoes (chuckles)….and a woman with a mink coat and a little pudel (chuckles)….they´re standing around in mud, right, and like she´s yelling at him and he says ´Is this Miami Beach ?´….we say ´Miami Beach ? Mister, this is New Jersey !….you took a wrong turn…..this is New Jersey right here´….so she starts yelling at him like crazy….so he says ´Listen, I´ll make you guys a good deal´, says ´You give me ….you tell me the way to the New Jersey Turnpike so we can get to Miami Beach and I give you guys one wish´….so we´re thinking, we´re thinking about our own Laundromat, pizza parlor maybe (chuckles) then we got it figured out….we said ´Mister….what we wanna be ….what we wanna be….what we wanna be….is movie stars´….the guy says ´No way, you guys ain´t got the looks….but would you settle….would you settle….for rock and roll ?….”
28.07.78 Miami, Fla., middle of ´Backstreets´
´´Hey there baby….hey there, little girl….it´s good, it´s good to see you back again….it´s good, it´s good to see you back again….and you know, honey, you´re still looking fine…. but, baby, I remember you….baby, I remember you….standing on the corner….of Richmond Avenue….with your hair rolled up, with your high-heels on (?) and back then….I remember back then I swore….I swore I´d drive all night….I´d drive all night….anytime, anyplace, anywhere….baby, I´d drive all night….just to buy you some shoes…..and to taste….and to taste your tender charms….to have you hold me in your arms…..and girl, for just one kiss…. baby, just one kiss and a look and a look from your sad eyes….you had such lonely sad eyes, you had such lonely sad eyes….oh, they cry and cry and cry and cry, they cry and cry and cry and cry…..and me, I was your fool…..I thought that maybe I could stop your crying….that maybe I could stop your crying….I thought that I could stop your crying….I thought that I could stop your crying….(?)….you knew I couldn´t stop you…..´cause baby, you were lying ….baby, you were lying….baby´d been lying…..baby´d been lying….telling such, telling such pretty lies, you were young, you could tell such pretty lies, you were young and you could tell such pretty lies….you were young and you could tell such pretty lies (?) you could tell such pretty lies (?) you could tell such pretty lies….you could tell such pretty lies….and now you´re back….and now you´re back….and now you´re back….(?) but baby, I´m back too…. little girl, I´m back too….and I´ve been out…..and I´ve seen some things….about me, about you…..I want you….LOOK INTO MY FACE….LOOK INTO MY FACE….STOP….. LOOK INTO MY FACE….STOP….LOOK INTO FACE….STOP, STOP, STOP, STOP, STOP, STOP, STOP !….´´
Compiled by : Johanna Pirttijärvi