Story 1980-10-25 Portland, OR

25.10.80 Portland, OR, intro to ´Factory´
´´When I grew up, I used to….I used to hate having to come home at night because my father´d work all day and every day at the end of work he´d come home, he´d eat dinner, he´d sit in the kitchen and turn out the lights, smoke a cigarette, drink a six-pack of beer and I used to hate coming in after he´d been sitting there for a few hours….and….at the time I couldn´t, I remember I was, it wasn´t till I got to be about 28 or 29, I started to think back and try to see what my parents had done with their lives….and why it was so hard for us to ….to be together when I was young….and uh….”

25.10.80 Portland, OR, intro to ´Independence Day´
´´I remember when I was, when I was going to school….I used to come down every morning, my mother used to always have the radio on in the kitchen, it used to be tuned to the Top 40-station, it was a station called WMCA, it was in New York City….and that was the first time that I heard any rock and roll or heard any music, I was about, I was nine years old (?) I went to school….and….and the house that we had didn´t have, wasn´t like, there wasn´t a lot of books around, there wasn´t, like in school I just, I could never learn anything from the way that they were teaching and uh….it wasn´t until I got, till I heard, heard rock and roll that I thought that, uh, things could be better than they were and that there was possibilities and we didn´t have to….you could live your life, if you were lucky, maybe the way you wanted to ….that there was chances to take if you´d go out there and take them so if anybody just left home this year, this song is for you, alright….”

25.10.80 Portland, OR, intro to ´On Top of Old Smokey´
´´We got a special song, we learned it just for Portland….somebody told me that that mountain is only 40 miles away….(?)(chuckles)….lookout, I think it´s a-rumbling….Steve….”

25.10.80 Portland, OR, intro to ´I Wanna Marry You´
´´I used to live in this house on this street called South Street in this little town and….every day I used to sit out on my porch….and I´d watch this one girl walk by…and….I was about, oh, 17….and she´d been married and she had some kids, she was a lot older than me, I was always afraid to go up and introduce myself to her….so I´d sit there….and finally…I moved away (chuckles) I never saw her again….but you think that you´d forget people that you see only for….passing by in a car or the subway for a few minutes but sometimes you just don´t, sometimes you just never do….and now sometimes at night when I lie in bed….I see her face running around my head….sometimes at night when I´m lying in bed….I see her face running around my head….here she comes walking down the street…. here she comes walking down the street…she´s looking so fine, she´s looking so sweet….and someday I´m gonna make her mine, yes I will….someday I´m gonna make her mine, yes I will….she´s gonna stop instead of walking on by….she´s gonna stop instead of walking on by….she´s gonna stop instead of walking on by….she´s gonna stop now instead of walking on by….”

25.10.80 Portland, OR, intro to ´Crush on You´
´´The story you´re about to hear….is true, the names have been changed to protect the innocent….I was walking down the street….one night….and there she was….was she sweet ? (crowd: ´Yeah´) was she fine ? (crowd: ´Yeah´) was she mine ? (crowd: ´No´) I said ´Little girl, I got a crush on you….”

25.10.80 Portland, OR, intro to ´Rosalita´
´´Hey Big Man….should I play this next one, I don´t know if I should play this next one….oh, this song, this next song….this is so sad this next song….I don´t think I can play it, I don´t think I can get through it without crying….have you known the sorrow of unrequited love ? (not much response from the crowd)…I don´t think nobody knows it (chuckles) you know it ? (chuckles) alright….well, then you know what this song is about….it was a long time ago….I was a lot younger…it was a night….just like tonight…except it was raining (chuckles) and it was a lot warmer….and it was across the country….in this little town ….the camera moves in ….there she is, there he is….Big Man, set the scene….(Clarence sings : ´The night was black and the moon was yellow…the moon was yellow…and the leaves came tumbling….´)….
(….) On the piano….Professor Roy Bittan….on the guitar….Mr.Miami Steve Van Zandt….on the bass….Mr.Garry W.Tallent….on the drums…..the Mighty Max….on the organ….Phantom Dan Federici….and last but not least….king of the world…..master of the universe….and running for President of the United States on a rock and roll ticket….is it a bird ?…is it a plane ?…is it Big Man ?….Clarence Clemons on the saxophone….”

Compiled by : Johanna Pirttijärvi

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