Story 1980-10-28 Oakland, CA

28.10.80 Oakland, CA, intro to ´For You´
´´This is a song that, uh, was on the very first album we ever made…´s from Greetings from Asbury Park….how many folks from Asbury Park ? (cheers) I won´t hold it against you, alright….hope I remember all these words…..”

28.10.80 Oakland, CA, intro to ´Factory´
´´My father got married when he was….I think he was only about 22 years old….and ….he took on the responsibilities of being a husband and a father….and….through his life, he worked at a lot of jobs that….that take everything from you and give you barely nothing back …..and in the world there´s some people….some people come down and they get a chance to change the world….and some people…..they get a chance to…live a certain way to make sure that the world just doesn´t fall apart…..and he was one of those guys….and this one´s for you, Pop….”

28.10.80 Oakland, CA, intro to ´Independence Day´
´´When I used to get up for school, my mother used to have the radio on in the kitchen all the time….when I was real young and it was always tuned this station, WMCA, Top-40 (?)…. and I remember the first time….when I was, I guess I was about 13 or 14….that I started to really listen to the, the music that was on that, on that radio….and….that I realised that something was different, that whatever it was, I didn´t understand it but whatever it was, they filled me with dreams….instead of the fantasies that I´d had…..and…it gave me some idea that, that maybe, maybe things could be better than they were…..that there was chances you could take if you´d go out and take ´em somehow….”

28.10.80 Oakland, CA, intro to ´I Wanna Marry You´
´´I don´t wanna spoil a party but here I go….you guys just ought to go back and find your seats, ok, so all these people can see and I´ll see you later, go on, come on, come on, come on….yeah….´cause the show´s gonna be a long time yet, you´re gonna be tired standing up ….thanks a lot, alright, thanks, thank you….I know you couldn´t help yourself (chuckles)…. thanks, thanks a lot, this is for those guys, alright, let´s do, uh…..ok….this is for that riotous mob that just rushed the stage (chuckles)….I used to, I used to riot on this one girl I used to (chuckles)….she used to walk by my house every day….and (someone yells) no, no, I didn´t, I didn´t get a chance to meet her but…..we used to….me and Clarence used to sit on the porch….Big Man !….we were just sitting there and every day five o´clock she used to walk by, remember her ?….Clarence´d be sitting there in his suit to impress her (chuckles)….and (chuckles)….and we lived there for about five years in this one house, it was in this town called Freehold and….and we never went up and said nothing to her….”

28.10.80 Oakland, CA, intro to ´Crush on You´
´´We´re gonna tell you a little story…there I was….there she was….(?)…(someone yells: ´I love you, Bruce !´) you don´t even know me….you should see me at home….I´ve got a crush on you….”

28.10.80 Oakland, CA, intro to ´Rosalita´
´´Well, I think….I don´t know if I should play this next one (?)….this next song is so sad…. this next song, this is the saddest song I ever wrote… sad is it ? (chuckles) it´s so sad that grown men fall into the aisle on their knees and cry (?)….it´s that sad (chuckles)….have you ever known the sorrow of unrequited love ? (some yells) that´s all the people that´ve known the sorrow of unrequited love ? (cheers) everybody else is loving fools, right ? (chuckles) well, that´s what this song is about, this song is about unrequited love, this song is about heartbreak, sadness, sorrow and the pain of walking through this world….it´s about going to bed alone night after night….after the only thing you loved was stolen away from you….it´s that sad (chuckles) I told you….Big Man, I don´t think I can do this (?)….”

Compiled by : Johanna Pirttijärvi

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