Story 1980-11-01 Los Angeles, CA

01.11.80 Los Angeles, CA, intro to ‘Independence Day’:
”If you’re just about the age where you’re thinking about getting out of the house….. finding a place of your own….this is uh….this is for you then….”

01.11.80 Los Angeles, CA, intro to ‘Factory’:
”It wasn’t till I was about 28 or 29 years old….that I….started to think back….and….
it’s funny because I remember I was….I was in my late twenties and I….it was hard to….to realise that I was growing older, I was growing up….I still felt like 15 or 16 (cheers)….sometimes…..sometimes you never lose that picture of yourself….but I started to think back and I’d think ‘bout the way that my folks, my parents……lived their lives and….I remember that the only time that….when my father was young man, the only time he got to leave home was to go to World War Two…..and when he came back, he got married, he had me, he was…..only about 21 or 22 years old…..and as a real young man, he took on a lot of responsobilities….and I remember when I was a kid, he worked a lot of jobs….that just took from you and didn’t give you barely nothing back, wasn’t worth to get up in the morning to go there…..and….and when I, I think about the freedom that he gave up (?)…..(?) laying out in the cold ground in the morning trying to get the car started so he could go to work…..”

01.11.80 Los Angeles, CA, intro to ‘Promised Land’:
”I don’t know that one, we don’t know that one….I’m not kidding you (chuckles)….
oh….every night we’ve been making an announcement about the fact that, uh… Los Angeles (?) you have a, you have a situation that’s very different than (?) of the parts of the country, as far as….re-sale of tickets (boos) and that’s….and that’s…in New York City, you’re only allowed to sell tickets for dollar fifty more (cheers)….that is on….that is in the price of the ticket….by law and out here it’s legal to sell for 200 dollars , 250 dollars, I know some of youse are paying outrageous amounts….to get your seats….and uh….the only thing I’m saying is if you want to, you can do something about it…..there’s a guy named Mellanby, Sacramento State Assembly…..he’ll…he’ll reintroduce a bill that was introduced in 1977 that would make re-selling these tickets at the outrageous prices illegal, you could get busted for them (cheers)….if you wanna….if you wanna, you guys can do something about it, there’s …..(?) give you that information on KMET….the guy’s name is Mellanby….Sacramento…State Assembly…. and so….it’s up to you guys and you deserve a better break (cheers)….”

01.11.80 Los Angeles, CA, intro to ´For You’
´´I met a fella at a parking lot (?) asked me to do this song so this is…I didn’t get your name….(?) if you’re out there….this was on the Greeting from Asbury Park (?)….hey Steve….come on now (chuckles)…´´

01.11.80 Los Angeles, CA, middle of ´Rosalita’
´´….Now, last but not least….how can I say it ?….king of the world….master….of all things….now, come next Tuesday….I think it´s time…..we put a Big Man in the White House….on a ‘rock and roll…improve the economy….and save your soul’-ticket…. Mr.Clarence Clemons on the saxophone, the next president of the Unites States….(the band plays a snippet of ´Hail to the Chief´)….”

Compiled by : Johanna Pirttijärvi

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