Story 1980-11-24 Largo, MD

24.11.80 Largo, MD, intro to ‘Darkness on the Edge of Town’
´´This is for Mary, Mary Cox if you´re out there, I think you are tonight….I got your letter…. here's a song for you….”

24.11.80 Largo, MD, intro to ‘Independence Day’
"This is Independence Day"

(….)´´I remember that….when I used to come down in the morning to go to school….my mother used to always have the radio on in the kitchen….and it used to be tuned to this station…. this Top, Top 40-station in New York City, it was WMCA at the time….(?)….and I remember I used to go to school….I never did, I never did really good in school, I did ok ….but I could never, I could never pick up on what they were trying to put down, it never seemed to get in (points at head)…and it wasn´t until I started to….listen to the radio….and hear some of the stuff that, this was in the early 60’s and the radio was full of….full of a lot of great stuff….that….I got some idea that there was more to living than this, than what I was doing….and that if you….if you were willing to take some chances….then just maybe if you were lucky, things could be better than they were….anyway….”

24.11.80 Largo, MD, intro to ‘Factory’
´´I remember….that my old man never got a chance to, never got a chance to hear those songs on the radio….”

24.11.80 Largo, MD, intro to ´Growin´Up´
´´Here’s for the veterans out there, alright….
(….) And there we were… was a dark night…..on this New Jersey backroad…..and… was me, Steve….and Clarence….we were trying to get to Steve´s house to have some pizza pie! ….ooh yeah….figured we were gonna get home, put that pizza in the oven, put in little Pop-Tarts, turn on ´Johnny Carson´, a nice warm night, sit tight and all of a sudden - boom! - we get a flat tire….now, you´re probably wondering how´s it possible for us guys to get a flat tire ….and as we sat there in the dark trying to choose up, see who was gonna go outside and fix it, we were wondering ourselves (chuckles)….well, I figured, let me see….I had to think about it for a while….but as I was sitting there thinking….putting the old brain power to work ….we were all huddled up in the frontseat, everybody was too afraid to sit in the back….there were all these spooky sounds coming out of the woods…..and then just like in that movie ´Close Encounters of the Third Kind´, this big flash of light came shooting down over top of our car….I stuck my head out the window and I seen this big round….cherry-red flying saucer with Cadillac fins on the back, Hooker headers….and it said ´Little Melvin and the Invaders´ on the side, ´We play weddings, parties, bar mitzvahs´….so this little green man stuck his head out, then he said ´Hey Boss!….How, how, how do we get back to the New Jersey Turnpike from here ?´….we said ´Wait a minute´….now, we´re….we´re not as dumb as we look, we wasn´t gonna just give away this kind of important information for free….we just don´t tell anybody how to get to the New Jersey Turnpike….they´ve got to have some credentials! ….so we said ´Well, listen, Mr.Spaceman….I tell you what, we´ve got this flat tire but if you give us each one wish, we´ll tell you home to get back home where you came from´, so…. he thought real hard, he said ´Ok´ so….Clarence was first….he thought real hard, (?), he decided he wanted his own combination laundromat and pizza parlor on the corner in downtown Asbury Park….that´s a good wish, gotta admit, that´s good….you can eat and wash your clothes at the same time …. now it was Steve´s turn…..and he wished….that Clarence had gotten elected President ….that´s a good wish, that was a pretty good wish….now it was my turn….(?)…it got real dark out and I stood there and all of a sudden, I didn´t even have to tell the guy what I wishing for, way over on the dark side of the road….way over in the night, it slowly….started….to appear….I got out of the car….(finds his guitar and puts it on) …. and when we touched….
(….) That´s a true story….”

24.11.80 Largo, MD, intro to ´Backstreets´
´´Terry, this is for Terry (?)….I met your boyfriend out back, he wanted me to, he wanted me to do ´I Wanna Marry You´ for you so maybe he´s trying to tell you something, I don´t know, but (chuckles) …but we did that last night so we´re gonna do this song for you, this is from Micky…so Terry, this is from Micky, Terry (?)…”

24.11.80 Largo, MD, intro to ´Jungleland´
"I wanna thank everybody, thanks for coming down to the show…thank you very much…it's been great"

24.11.80 Largo, MD, intro to ´Born To Run´
"Alright…here's to you…"

Compiled by : Johanna Pirttijärvi

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