Story 1980-12-01 Pittsburgh, PA

01.12.80 Pittsburgh, PA, intro to ´Independence Day´
´´I remember when I was…..going to high school….I never did good in school, you know…. and if you didn´t do good in school (?) ´cause you´re stupid, you know….and….for some reason I was just never interested, I could never, could never pay attention to the things that they were trying to….trying to teach me or the way that they were trying to….to get it through my head and… wasn´t until I started, I started listening to the radio and my mother used to have it on every morning she used to have the local Top 40 AM-station on in the kitchen…. and I remember I was about…..oh, 15 years old and…..I heard this, I heard ´Like a Rolling Stone´, which became a hit, was a big record….and I remember there was a line that (?)….I remember I had this junky old speaker and I couldn´t hear all the verses, I couldn´t figure out what he was talking about but there was, when the chorus came around, there was a line that said ´How does it feel to be on your own ?´….so….this is for all you guys that are out there that are….that are on your own tonight…. ”

01.12.80 Pittsburgh, PA, intro to ‘Two Hearts’
‘‘I remember I used to….I used to come in late….and….I used to be terrified of coming in past….around 10 or 11 o’clock at night because…..I knew my old man, he’d been home from work for about four hours and had been sitting in the kitchen in the dark….. you know, drinking and by the time I got in….he’d be pretty ready for me… I used to….I used to wait and I used to come around, I used to come around the sidedoor, he used to lock up the frontdoor so I used to have to…come around the side….I remember I had a long hair, I used to slick it back real tight so he couldn’t tell how long it was…. and I’d get up on the porch and all I could see was…..was I could see just the light of his cigarettes sitting at the kitchen table and I knew he’d be in there waiting for me….. ‘cause he never used to wanna talk to me till, till he’d catch me coming in late after he’d been sitting there for a few hours drinking beer…..and…..I’d come in and I think I just about make it to my room, he’d call me back, I’d hear him calling me back to come and sit down with him…..and we used to talk, then he’d wanna talk about, like, the things that I wanted, you know, why….why I was living my life the way that I was….and the things that I wanted to….to do, the things that I wanted, that I thought was important….and he used to think they were foolish and they were….and that like things like….that those, those dreams and things that….that keep you going every day, that when you get old enough, you find out that they ain’t there, that was just a bunch of….bunch of stuff that, that you’d been fed….but I never thought that they was and….and that, you always read about, about….about people saying how, you know, the American Dream or something is dying or it’s dead…..and it never was that stuff that they mention on TV, there ain’t no pair of blue jeans you’re gonna buy that’s ever gonna make you happy and stuff (chuckles)….but I think that in the end, like, that American Dream that was just, it was just a human dream, it was just about people, people being able to get together and not step all over each other….be able to somehow live and work together…and that’s why two hearts are better than one….”

01.12.80 Pittsburgh, PA, intro to ´For You´
´´Here´s an old one….if you guys used to come see us at the Stanley after the first record…. here´s from Greetings from Asbury Park….”

01.12.80 Pittsburgh, PA, intro to ´Crush on You´
´´I was sitting in my detective´s office one night….and I looked out the window….and there she was….was she fine ? (crowd : ´Yeah) was she sweet ? (crowd : ´Yeah´) was she mine ? (crowd : ´No´) No !….I ran out the door and I ran down the street….I ran up to her car, I started banging on the window…I chased her down to Route 34….she rolled up the window, she locked all the doors, I said ´Little girl, this is the Boss talking to you, it´s sad but true, honey, I got a crush on (crowd : ´You´)….”

01.12.80 Pittsburgh, PA, intro to ´Drive All Night´
´´This is for Christine and Anthony (?)…I think you´re out there somewhere, I got your letter and uh….I didn´t get ´Thunder Road´ for you but I´ll get this for you, alright, this is uh…..for Christine and Anthony….
(….) So stop your crying….stop your crying and come here….come here and sit down here and let me show you what I bought you….”

01.12.80 Pittsburgh, PA, middle of ´Rosalita´
´´To the far left, on the piano, we´ve got Professor Roy Bittan….on the guitar, there´s Miami Steve Van Zandt….on the bass guitar, Mr.Garry W.Tallent….on the drums, the Mighty Max ….on the organ, Phantom Dan Federici….and last but not least….you heard the movie where they sunk the big boat….and then they had that movie where they burned up the big building ….then there was another movie where they crashed the big airplane….and they even had a movie where they wrecked the big bus but ladies and gentlemen, I wanna give to you tonight the king of the world, the master of disaster, Clarence Big Man Clemons….”

Compiled by : Johanna Pirttijärvi

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