02.02.81 Madison, WI, intro to ´Independence Day´
´´I remember…I used to hate….I used to hate coming home at night when I was living with my folks….and I used to….my old man used to lock up the frontdoor so that me and my sister couldn´t come in through the front and we used to have to go around the backdoor and he´d be sitting in the kitchen waiting for us with the lights out….drinking a six-pack of beer, smoking a cigarette, waiting for us to come home…..and it seems it was the only time we ever got to talk to each other about the things that….that you wanna talk about when you´re, uh….17 or 16….he´d been, uh….sitting in the kitchen too long…..and we´d always end up just argueing, fighting….I could never understand (?) why it was such a hard…..and…..you know, all I´d see him do was get up and go to work in the day and come back home and sit in the kitchen at night….and it was hard for me to understand how things….the things that he missed and the disappointments that he had….and uh….that during those times when we tried to talk to each other, later on when I thought about it, I realised that he wasn´t….he wasn´t much older, he wasn´t much older than I am right now….and he´d gotten married real young, he had taken on the responsobilities of being a husband and a father when he was a very young man…..and…..I couldn´t understand what it was like to….to go through your life without even getting the simplest kind of, kind of respect that´s due anybody….it wasn´t until, until 10, 10, 12 years later that we ever got to sit down and talk about any of it the way we should´ve talked about it then and I always missed having that chance….so if you´ve got folks at home….you give ´em a break, talk to ´em sometimes (chuckles)….”
02.02.81 Madison, WI, intro to ´The Promised Land´
´´Alright, Blain, this is to you from your Mom and Pop….”
02.02.81 Madison, WI, intro to ´For You´
´´Here´s a song from Greetings from Asbury Park…..this is for all the veterans…..”
02.02.81 Madison, WI, intro to ´Wreck on the Highway´
´´Sometimes….something happens to you, makes you stop and take….take a look at what you got….”
02.02.81 Madison, WI, middle of ´Rosalita´
´´We´ve got with us tonight…..a galaxy of stars….beginning at the far left of the stage….on the piano, Professor Roy Bittan….play something Roy….(?)(Roy plays)….on the guitar, Miami Steve Van Zandt….on the bass, Garry W. Tallent…. on the drums, Mighty Max Weinberg…..on the organ, Phantom Dan Federici….and last but not least….how can I say it ? ….he´s so bad….he´s nationwide….he´s the king of the world…..he´s the master of the universe….he´s the emperor of all things….he´s faster than a speeding bullet….more powerful than a roaring locomotive….able to leap tall women, I mean tall buildings in a single bound ….is it a bird ?….is it a plane ?….then what the hell is it ?….the Big Man, Clarence Clemons on the saxophone….”
02.02.81 Madison, WI, intro to ´Born to Run´
´´I wanna thank everybody for coming down to the show, thank you….I´d like to thank a bunch, a bunch of you guys that took out that ad for us in the Mad City Newspaper, thank you very much….this is for you guys, this is for Kim….”
Compiled by : Johanna Pirttijärvi