Story 1981-02-07 Champaign, IL

07.02.81 Champaign, Ill., intro to ´Independence Day´
´´I remember, uh….trying to get….trying to get my old man to talk to me when I was…. 17…it was a hard thing to do….´cause at that age it seems that your folks….no matter what you´re saying don´t seem to take it….seriously….and uh….they got their own ideas about what you should be doing….who you should be….and most of the time those ideas, they come….they come from a good place, they come from….they went through some things and they had some disappointments that they wanna try and…. maybe fix it so you don´t have ´em….but….I remember me and my old man (?) we had nothing but….nothing but arguments back then….and when I finally moved out of the house…I was sure that I was never….never gonna go back there and I´d never miss it again….but when I got older, I found out that I did and I found out that if I couldn´t get ….stuff straight between me and him, that I was never gonna be able to get myself… myself straight and….your family´s a funny thing, they will never go away….you know ….you gotta deal with ´em sometime….so, sooner the better….”

07.02.81 Champaign, Ill., intro to ´I Wanna Marry You´
´´(?) that was nice (chuckles)….if, if there´s a Tom and Debbie Novak, I believe their names are….I don´t know if you´re out there or not….I think they just got married today (?) at the end of the show, will you come over here to stage right, I´d appreciate it….to right of the stage after the show….I´d like to….I know there´s a lot of you guys out there have seen us on this tour a whole lot more than once….and I know…there´s a lot of folks from Chicago tonight that drove (cheers)….huh ?….what ? yeah ? (?) hey, there she is (?) they just got married today….(?) they´re about ten rows up there…got a special song for you guys….(music starts)….we ain´t played this song in a little while, I gotta get the words (chuckles)….”

07.02.81 Champaign, Ill., intro to ´Stolen Car´
´´I went out to, uh….while we were making the last record, a friend of mine….got married and we went out to his wedding…and we were sitting in the temple and the rabbi got up and….he talked about how…as long as….as long as you´re alone….that all the things that you dream….always remain fantasies….and it ain´t till you….make contact with some other person, till you make the kind of commitment to people or to some person….that´s the first step to making them things that you dreamed….a reality… it´s like a song, a song ain´t real, a song doesn´t matter (?) until you take it out and play it for somebody…and people are like that too….some people don´t get a chance to make that connection….or they miss when it comes around….”

07.02.81 Champaign, Ill., middle of ´Rosalita´
´´….last but not least….words fail me at this moment….let me just say…king of the world….master of disaster…emperor of all things….faster than a speeding bullet….more powerful than a roaring locomotive….able to leap tall women, I mean tall buildings in a single bound….lookout girls, he hates to be alone, is it a bird ? (crowd : ´No´) is it a plane ? (crowd : ´No´) then what the hell is it ?….Clarence Clemons on the saxophone ….”

07.02.81 Champaign, Ill., intro to ´Jungleland´
´´Thank you….I wanna thank everybody for coming down to the show tonight, thank you very much….those guys that sent the letters and stuff backstage and I know waited out back and waited in front a long time, just wanna let you know we appreciate it…. and all you guys that drove a long way to get here….from Chicago….I drove a long way too (chuckles)….”

Compiled by : Johanna Pirttijärvi

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