09.04.81 West Berlin, West Germany, intro to ´´Darkness on the Edge of Town´´ (following ´´Tenth Avenue Freeze Out´´)
´´Here´s for the fellow that loaned me his seat…..´´
09.04.81 West Berlin, West Germany, intro to ´´Independence Day´´
´´I grew up in this little town, it was about 20 miles inland off the Atlantic coast…..and….I remember I grew up in a house where like nobody, for some reason nobody ever spoke to each other till it was, uh, till it was too late….and….my old man, he got married real young when he´d just got out of the army and took on the responsobilities of being….being a husband and a father when he wasn´t much older than I am right now….and….I remember the day I moved out, I was sure that I was never….I was never gonna miss him again, miss my folks or wanna go back to that place where I grew up….but a lot of time went by….and they moved out to California and I went out….and I realised, we sat down and realised that it´d taken us 30 years just to be able to tell each other that we loved each other….´cause your family, they don´t go away….´´
09.04.81 West Berlin, West Germany, intro to ´´This Land Is Your Land´´
´´This is a….song by Woody Guthrie, uh….and somebody asked me the other night….how, how I could sing this song because….being that it isn´t true…..and….this is a song, it was written….it was written, I think the title of this song is less a statement, it´s more like a question, it´s a question that I think everybody around the world ask themselves and….it´s a fighting song, it´s a song that you gotta fight…..you gotta fight to make it true and….it´s a song that´s….it´s a dreaming song, I think it´s one of those dreams that, that just is always in people and it don´t ever die so….I wanna sing it for you….´´
09.04.81 West Berlin, West Germany, intro to ´´Fire´´
´´This song was (someone yells) uh, we´re gonna do that one a little later, alright?….it´s your birthday? how old are you?….17?….alright, this is for you (?) oh no (chuckles)….alright, this song I wrote for Robert Gordon, here´s happy birthday….this is called ´Fire´….´´
09.04.81 West Berlin, West Germany, middle of ´´Rosalita´´
´´We´ve got to the far left of the stage…..the only member of the band with a full high school diploma so let´s hear it for education and Professor Roy Bittan….play it, Roy….on the guitar, poet of the soul, master of rock and roll, Miami Steve Van Zandt….on the bass, Mr.Garry W. Tallent….on the drums, the Mighty Max Weinberg….on the organ, Phantom Dan Federici….. and last but not least….I´m talking about the king of the world…..I´m talking about the master of the universe….I´m talking about the emperor of all things….he´s faster than a speeding bullet, he´s more powerful than a roaring locomotive, he´s able to leap tall women, I mean tall buildings in a single bound, is it a bird ? (crowd: ´´No´´) is it a plane ? (crowd: ´´No´´) what the hell is it ?….Big Man Clarence Clemons on the saxophone…..´´
09.04.81 West Berlin, West Germany, intro to ´´Rockin´ All Over the World´´
´´I wanna thank everybody for coming down to the show tonight, thank you very much….. and I wanna thank you for….for treating us so nice ´cause this is the first time we´ve been here and it couldn´t´ve been better so thanks for being a great audience….this is for you….´´
Compiled by : Johanna Pirttijärvi