Story 1981-05-08 Stockholm, Sweden

08.05.81 Stockholm, Sweden, intro to ‘Independence Day’
”I grew up in this house where….where nobody ever talked to each other…..and it seems…..that whenever we did….sit down…that the words always were too hard…. and they always came too late after something had gone…..gone too far wrong….and when I was a kid…..I couldn’t understand…..what my old man always seemed so mad about….I’d see him in the morning ….just before he went to work…..and then the only other time I’d see him would be at night when he’d sit in the kitchen….with the lights out….smoking a cigarette….and he used to lock up the frontdoor so that me and my sister used to have to come in around the side and go through the kitchen…..and I’d stand out there in the driveway…..and I remember I used to slick my hair back real tight so he couldn’t tell how long it was…..and….and I tried to make it through, make it through the kitchen up to my room…..but he’d always call me back, we’d always end up sitting down….end up yelling at each other…..all the time…..and when I was 16 or 17, it was hard for me to understand what his life was like….how he’d gotten married… young…and when I was living at home, he wasn’t….and we were having our fights…..he wasn’t much older than I am right now….and he’d been working…. he’d been working in this factory for ten years already….and he had to put up with all the…..all the humiliation….that….that the world puts you through living like that…. when I moved away when I was 18 and I was sure that I was never gonna miss him and I was never gonna miss…..miss that town I grew up in….and for a long time I never did….and then one day….I realised that ‘less I could….unless I could make some kinda peace with my old man and with the place I grew up in I was never gonna… able to make peace with myself…..and so I went out to California where they’d moved….and we talked a little bit….but it took us 30 years just to be able…..just to be able to tell each other that we loved each other (cheers)….and it’s just….it’s silly to wait that long…..if you got folks at home… oughta try talking to ‘em sometime (chuckles), they probably need it, you know (cheers)…..everybody’s gotta have their independence day…..”

08.05.81 Stockholm, Sweden, intro to ‘This Land Is Your Land’:
”In, uh….America (?)….from the time you’re a little kid…..all throughout you life (?)….there’s a promise….that gets made….and it’s…..over there, I guess, it’s called, they call it the American Dream or….which is just….just the right….to be able to…. live your life with, uh….with some decency and some dignity (cheers)…..but…..over there and in a lot of other places in the world now……that dream…..that’s only true for…. very, very few people, you know (cheers)… seems if you weren’t, if you weren’t born into the right place…or if you didn’t come from the right town…or….if you believe in something that…..that´s different from the next person….you know uh…… right now there´s a lotta….in the States, there’s a lotta, there’s a lotta hard times and…. when that happens…..there’s always resurgence….of the kinds of …groups like, uh….. Ku Klux Klan and National Socialists (boos)….and it seems like hard times turn people against each other, people that have common interests…..people that don’t understand that…..that….that the enemy is not, is not the guy down the street that looks different from you, you know (cheers)…..but it’s hard, it’s hard in the States because the enemy is something that when you’re brought up as a kid, you’re taught to respect, you know, like, it’s something that…..uh……it’s something that you can’t see, it’s something that’s invisible and it’s something that works on you and eats you away inside….every day of your life…..and twists us and the countries we have into ….into, into nothing……so…..this is a song by a guy named Woody Guthrie (cheers)….he, he understood what the world was about and…´s just a song about living free, about the land that you live in….should belong to each and every one of you…..and that you have the right and a promise to life, to fulfilling yourself inside (cheers)….”

08.05.81 Stockholm, Sweden, intro to ‘Point Blank’:
”Thanks…..this song, uh……I wrote , oh, three or four years ago, I guess….and uh….. it’s about, there’s a Marvin, there’s a Marvin Gaye and Tammy Tarells song and it’s called ‘It Takes Two’ (cheers)……and….in that song, Marvin Gaye sings…..uh….’It takes one to dream but it takes two to make a dream come true’ and…..and….I guess that’s what… know, that’s why, that’s why we’re here tonight talking to you and you guys are talking to us and……because….it’s, it’s funny , you know, because on this tour….since we’ve been over here, this is our last night on the continent and (cheers)…. and I’ve learned…. I’ve learned, I’ve learned a lot over here, I learned….the importance of the audience, the importance of you… the shows (cheers)…..because…..when we come out and….and, and we play and we play hard and….and try to tell you ‘bout the things…….that, that mean a lot to us……and when you…..respond the way that you have tonight and last night….it’s like…’s a big , like…..’Me too’, you know (chuckles) and (cheers)….it’s…it’s , you know, it’s in a bunch of little things and I want you to know that, that, that it means a lot to us just how quiet you been on the slow songs since we’ve been here and I wanna thank you a lot for doing that (cheers)….because, uh……this is a song, this song is about……it’s about two people that once…..had that kinda connection….and for some reason……it got broken apart….. and it’s like…..a song ain´t no good until we, until somebody hears it and like by yourself….you’re… can’t have affect, you know, you have to, you have to reach out, you know and…..this is a song about someone who loses, who loses that…..that power which is the most powerful thing in the world, your ability to affect your friends’…. lives ….and my life…..and maybe I can do something for you so (cheers)….. this is called…..this is, this is called ‘Point Blank’ (cheers)…..”

08.05.81 Stockholm, Sweden, middle of ‘Rosalita’:
‘‘… niece…..JoAnn Springsteen…..get over here, honey…..all the way from New Jersey….
(….) ‘Cause the record company, baby, just gave me big Kronors….”

08.05.81 Stockholm, Sweden, intro to ‘Can’t Help Falling in Love’:
”I wanna…..thank you for giving us such a nice welcome back to Stockholm, thank you (cheers)….I know a lot of you guys waited in line a long time for tickets and I wanna say we appreciate it….and this is…..this is…here’s my favorite Elvis song, I wanna do for youse……oops, my guitar died…..”

08.05.81 Stockholm, Sweden, intro to ´Backstreets´
´´(?) anybody that was here… 1975 when we first came (some cheers) oh, you're old (chuckles)…..(?) old as me, you know (chuckles)…..this is for you….."

Compiled by : Johanna Pirttijärvi

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