Story 1981-05-13 Manchester, England

13.05.81 Manchester, England, intro to ´Independence Day´
´´When I grew up…I lived in this house where….people never seemed to…to ever talk to each other…and I remember the only time that my old man could talk to me was after…he´d come home from work and it was late at night…and he´d catch me coming in late…and he´d sit in the kitchen with the lights out…and….(?) where I could never understand what he seemed ….so angry about all the time…when I was only about 16…. and….I didn´t realise that when he was….when he was my age….that he went in the army…and he got out and he got married and he took a job…to try and support his family…and the only image I used to have of him was him sitting at that kitchen table drinking, drinking at night….and then I went to my aunt´s house about three years ago and she gave me this picture….and it was a picture of him….and my mother….and my aunt…and I could hardly recognise him ´cause he was standing there …. he looked, he was standing there in his suit, it was in 1946…and he looked just like John Garfield…. he was looking at the camera like he was gonna….like he was gonna eat the photographer….and I´d never seen that side of him, you know, I´d always seen him … when it seemed he´d been made….he´d been made weak….by the life that he was forced…. forced to live…but…I felt real lucky ´cause…because I felt that I knew….that I knew something that he didn´t….when I lay at night listening to the radio…I could hear, in all them songs I could hear a promise….and….it was just a promise of, of, like, a right to life…a right to be able to live….with some….with a little bit of decency and a little bit of dignity…and it seemed like something that he knew once….but somewhere along the way he forgot it, he lost it…and I swore that I would….I would try to never let it go….”

13.05.81 Manchester, England, intro to ´Johnny Bye Bye´
´´(?)….This is, uh…this is the first time for this song, first time, we haven´t played it and uh….I think everybody remembers….where they were when they heard that, that Elvis, Elvis died….it is a hard thing to….just to understand….”

13.05.81 Manchester, England, intro to ´This Land Is Your Land´
´´And this, this is for Bob Marley….”

13.05.81 Manchester, England, intro to ´The Price You Pay´
´´This is, this a song I promised for these guys over here….”

13.05.81 Manchester, England, middle of ´Rosalita´
´´To the far left of the stage….´Professor´ Roy Bittan….on the guitar, ´Miami´ Steve….hiding behind the speaker, Mr.Tony (?)…on the bass, Mr.Garry W.Tallent….on the drums, ´The Mighty´ Max Weinberg….on the organ, ´Phantom´ Dan Federici…..and last….but not least…. (?)…I´m talking about a person known to all of us in the band….in his own modest way as…. king of the world….master of the universe….emperor of all the big and the little things….I don´t have to say his name, it´s known far and wide….I ain´t talking ´bout a bird, I ain´t talking ´bout a plane, I´m talking about….on the saxophone, his majesty, Clarence Clemons …”

13.05.81 Manchester, England, middle of ´Detroit Medley´
´´I got a gas crisis….you see, I got a gas crisis….I got a gas crisis !….ain´t got no gas left, ran out of gas on the last move out front (?)….I´m done, that was the final move….that was the end of the beginning, beginning of the end….that´s my gas crisis….(?)…are you tired up
there ?….what you doing up there ?…you doing what we´re doing down here ?….you ain´t tired up there ?…see, we don´t need no gas….we don´t need the car….we´re gonna leave the car on the side of the road….how are we gonna get back to the hotel ?….don´t worry about
it ?….oh, I see….bring it down, boys….we don´t need no car because….because (crowd : ´Why ?´) ….because (crowd : ´Why ?´) I´m glad you asked….I see a train…..”

Compiled by : Johanna Pirttijärvi

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