Story 1981-06-02 London, England

02.06.81 London, England, intro to ´Follow That Dream´
´´There´s a book out, uh, now, it´s called Elvis´56…..and it´s got a bunch of pictures of him from, from when he was first touring in 1956 and…´s a…´s just, it´s just, it´s just great, you see, he looks like he dropped in from another planet or something when he´s there, you know, uh…..this is, this is ´Follow That Dream´….”

02.06.81 London, England, intro to ´Independence Day´
´´I always remember when I was….when I was about 16 or 17… old man, at the time he was only, he was only a little older than I am right now…..and….it seemed like he´d lost….he´d lost whatever the will he had to think and dream about the future for himself…. and the only time he ever got away from the town that we grew up in was when he went to World War Two….and he came back and he got married and settled down and he took on the responsobilities of being a…..being a husband and a father….and by the time…..I was getting about old enough to move out of the house…..I couldn´t understand his disappointments….and….I used to lay in bed at night and I used to have the radio on underneath my pillow….and he could never understand what I was getting out of….what I was getting out of it and it seemed like the songs….the songs back then…..they gave you the room….to think that there was something better….better in life than the way that you were living it…..and I used to wish that I´d be able to go downstairs and say ´Listen to this´ or….but he could never hear that, he´d got run over too many times….and it sounded like noise to him….”

02.06.81 London, England, middle of ´Rosalita´
´´And now….the educational part of the show….the band introductions….I´d like to begin with the man at the far left of the stage (?) what can I say about him ?….all I can say is he´s the only member of the band with a full high school diploma… let´s hear it for Professor Roy Bittan…..and on the guitar, a young man who brought you such hits as ‘I Don’t Wanna Go Home’, ‘Sweeter than Honey’, ‘This Time It’s for Real’, ‘Some Things Just Don’t Change’, ‘Daddy’s Come Home’, Miami Steve Van Zandt….on the bass guitar, we´ve got Mr.Garry W.Tallent….on the organ (?) all the way from Flemington, New Jersey, (?) Phantom Dan Federici….now last but not least…..(?)….I´d like to introduce a young man…..that´s been with me for six years and I almost forgot to introduce him…..on the drums, the Mighty Max Weinberg…..that´s why I ain´t been here for so damn long….now….finishing up the band introductions….you know the man here …..a close personal friend of mine…..around home we like to call him ´King of the world´ ….the master of the universe….the emperor of all things….he´s faster than a speeding bullet….more powerful than a roaring locomotive….able to leap tall women, I mean tall buildings in a single bound, is it a bird ?….is it a plane ?….is it ? is it ? is it ? is it ? is it ? Spotlight on the Big Man…..”

Compiled by : Johanna Pirttijärvi

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