14.09.81 Cincinnati, OH, intro to ´Independence Day´
´´I remember my old man used to lock up the frontdoor….of the house….after about….9 o´clock so that me and my sister used to have to come in ´round the side…..and he´d always be sitting in the kitchen waiting for you…..he´d have the lights out, just smoking a cigarette ….and I used to stand out in the driveway and I could see him through the screendoor, I could see the silhouette of him sitting there….and sometimes I´d stand there for….half-hour to get up the nerve to get in and try and get past the kitchen and make it up to my room…..and I remember I used to tuck my hair back so he couldn´t tell how long it was and….I´d get up on the porch, try to make it through and he´d always let me get to the bottom of the stairs before he´d call me back and sit down…..and…..it seemed like we always, we always only talked to each other when either he´d been drinking too much or late at night when I was mad about something….and….I remember when I was 18, I was glad I finally got out of the house (?) ….but….when I got older, I…..I started wondering about why things had to be the way that they were between me and him when I was young and why so many of the things that, that we needed to say to each other we could never say….and uh….then he got real sick a little while ago and I went out and I visited….in the hospital….and….it seemed like it took….I´m almost 32 years old, took us almost 30 years to, to be able to just sit down and talk to each other and say to each other the things that we had to say….now, that´s too long, that´s too long to wait….so…..so if you got any folks at home…..sometimes…..sometimes it´s good to talk to ´em ´cause you never know what they´re gonna say….”
14.09.81 Cincinnati, OH, intro to ´Johnny Bye Bye´
´´This is a song that….that I wrote, wrote about Elvis….(?)….I remember when I was a little kid watching him on TV….and…..he always felt like the….he always felt like the father of my country to me (chuckles) and….and he just gave me an….gave me an idea….I guess the best present one person can give to another person is inspiration…and he….he just gave me an idea of what…..I guess of what I could be….”
14.09.81 Cincinnati, OH, middle of ´Rosalita´
´´Ladies and gentlemen….we´ve now come…..to the most exciting and important part of the show….I´m talking about, I´m gonna introduce these guys up here to you….oh yeah, oh yeah, alright….first…..(a crewmember: ´Bruce (?) and I got a poem for you from the crew….´B´ is for the Boss you are….´R´ is for the rock and roll you do….´U´ is for how U do it….´C´ is for the crew (?) for you….and ´E´ is for the E Street Band who stands behind you….there´s something for you from the crew (?)´)….(?)….right over there on far left on the piano, Professor Roy Bittan….on the bass guitar, Mr.Garry W.Tallent…on the guitar, Mr.Miami Steve Van Zandt…on the drums, the Mighty Max Weinberg….on the organ, Phantom Dan Federici….and last but not least….gimme a C-L-A-R-E-N-C-E, what´s that spell ?….what´s that spell ?….what´s that spell ?… Spotlight on the Big Man !….”
14.09.81 Cincinnati, OH, intro to ´Born to Run´
´´Thanks….this is the….this is the very last night of our tour, we´ve been on tour for almost a year….I´d just like to take one second and thank, and thank all the guys that´ve been out here working for me because they come in real early, they put all this stuff up so it sounds good, so it looks good for youse, you don´t see ´em, they don´t get nobody to clap (?)….(?) it´s been the best year of my life and you guys made it…..”
Compiled by : Johanna Pirttijärvi