Auditorium Parco Della Musica, Rome, Italy

The Auditorium Parco della Musica is a large public music complex in Rome, Italy, with three indoor concert halls and an outdoor theater in a park setting, hence its name. It was designed by Italian architect Renzo Piano; Jürgen Reinhold of Müller-BBM was in charge of acoustics in the three concert halls; Franco Zagari was landscape architect for the outdoor spaces. Parco della Musica lies somewhat north of Rome’s ancient city center, where the 1960 Summer Olympic Games were held, and is home to the world-famous Accademia Nazionale di Santa Cecilia.

The halls are Sala Santa Cecilia, with about 2800 seats; Sala Sinopoli, in memory of conductor Giuseppe Sinopoli, seating about 1200 people; and Sala Petrassi, in memory of Goffredo Petrassi, with 700 seats. Structurally separated for sound-proofing, they are nonetheless joined at the base by a continuous lobby. (Collectively they have acquired nicknames, such as “the blobs,” “the beetles,” “the turtles,” and “the computer mice”.) The outdoor theater, called the Cavea, recalls ancient Greek and Roman performance spaces. The complex has a fan-shaped layout around its central piazza.

Source: Wikipedia

Springsteen did 1 performances, excl. rehearsals, at this venue.

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