Carter Barron Amphitheatre, Washington, DC

The Carter Barron Amphitheatre is a 4,200 seat outdoor performance venue in Washington, DC. Located in Rock Creek Park, the amphitheatre opened in 1950 in honor of the 150th Anniversary of Washington, DC as the nation's capital. The National Park Service operates Carter Barron, offering a variety of quality performances, including reggae, Latin, classical, gospel, musicals, pop, R&B, jazz, new age, theater, and dance. Many of the performances are provided free of charge. The Carter Barron Amphitheatre (CBA) is located in Rock Creek Park. Initial plans for an amphitheatre in the Brightwood area of Washington, DC began in 1943 when Frederick Law Olmsted, Jr. reviewed and commented on the site selection for an amphitheatre. The original plan called for benches to seat about 1,500 and a stage equipped with a movie screen.

Source: Wikipedia

Springsteen did 3 performances, excl. rehearsals, at this venue.

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