Civic Arena, Pittsburgh, PA

Civic Arena (formerly the Civic Auditorium and Mellon Arena, nicknamed The Igloo) is an indoor arena in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. It was the first Retractable roof major sports venue in the world, covering 170,000 sq. feet and constructed with just shy of 3,000 tons of Pittsburgh steel. It boasts the largest retractable, stainless steel dome roof in the world supported only by a massive 260 foot long cantilevered arm on the exterior. Constructed in 1961, for use by the Pittsburgh Civic Light Opera (CLO), the Civic Arena hosted numerous concerts, the circus, political and religious rallies, roller derbies as well as contests in hockey, basketball, fish tournament weigh-ins, tennis, boxing, wrestling, lacrosse, football, ice skating championships, kennel shows, and soccer. The structure has been used as the backdrop for several major Hollywood films. It was formerly named for Mellon Financial, which purchased the naming rights in 1999. Naming rights expired on August 1, 2010 and the arena once again is known as the Civic Arena. The Civic Arena closed on June 26, 2010. The former Mellon naming rights expired soon after, and the Penguins and all other events moved across the street to the new Consol Energy Center. The arena's owner, the Sports & Exhibition Authority of Pittsburgh and Allegheny County, initially voted in September 2010 to demolish the building in 2011. However, in November 2010, the arena was nominated for historic status at the last minute, and demolition was delayed. A final vote by the Pittsburgh Historic Review Commission on the nomination was held on March 2, 2011. The result was the HRC declining the arena for historic status. After votes from City Planning and City Council also declined historic status, a federal lawsuit was filed by those who wish to save the arena in order to prevent its demolition.

Source: Wikipedia

Springsteen did 11 performances, excl. rehearsals, at this venue.

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